Genetically Modified & Genetic Engineering: Brazil - IBD Organic Seal

Embryos transplant and cloning

Use of irradiation methods

Use of microorganisms modified by genetic engineering and its products

Use of genetically modified animals through genetic engineering

Genetically Modified & Genetic Engineering: India - India Organic

Use of genetically engineered seeds, pollen, transgene plants or plant material
Not allowed.

Use of genetically engineered organisms or products

Preparations of micro-organisms and enzymes commonly used in food processing may be used
Without genetically engineered micro-organisms and their products.

Genetically Modified & Genetic Engineering: Italy - Controllo Biologico (CCPB) / (organically tested)

GMOs and/or the products derived

  • Should not be admitted in organic agriculture nor in the processing and preparation of products derived therefrom, as foods, feeds, processing aids, pesticides, fertilizers or soil amendments, seeds or vegetative propagating materials, microorganisms or animals.


  • If the raw materials, food or feed products acquired are not labeled or accompanied by a document in compliance with the above regulations, operators may assume that these have not been produced using GMOs or products derived from them.


  • If operators are located outside EU member states, and therefore it is impossible to check that the requirements for the regulations referred to above have been met in relation to the compulsory labeling of GMO products, in order to prove compliance with the prohibition.


Genetically Modified & Genetic Engineering: Malaysia - Skim Organik Malaysia (SOM)

Use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products
Prohibited in all aspects of organic production and handling without exception.

Commercial/urban compost
Allowed if not fortified with synthetic additives or GMOs and amount use is within acceptable heavy metal content limits.

Genetically Modified & Genetic Engineering: New Zealand - AsureQuality Ltd

Organic products shall not be labeled as GMO-free.

Any reference to genetic engineering on product labels shall be limited to the production and processing methods themselves having not used GMOs.

The use of genetically engineered organisms or their derivatives
Prohibited. This shall include animals, seed and farm inputs such as fertilisers, soil conditioners, vaccines or crop protection materials.

The use of genetically engineered seeds, pollen, transgene plants or plant material
Not allowed.

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