Animal husbandry: New Zealand - Asure Quality


  • Use of certain substances to stimulate growth or modify their breeding cycles not allowed.
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products derived must not be used.
  • Breeds or strains taking into account the capacity of animals to adapt to local conditions, their vitality, and their resistance to disease.
  • Non-organic animals brought in under derogation for breeding purposes may not be sold as organic.
  • Conventional animals brought in for breeding purposes may not be sold as organic.


  • Use or negligent introduction of genetically engineered organisms or their derivatives (include animals, seed, propagation material, and farm inputs such as fertilisers, soil conditioners, vaccines or crop protection materials) is prohibited.
  • Force-feeding is forbidden.
  • Feeds obtained by Hexane extraction is not permitted.
  • Livestock must be fed with 100% organically produced feeding stuffs (unless mono-gastric), preferably using feed from the unit.
  • At least more than 60% of the feed shall come from the farm unit itself or be produced in co-operation with other organic farms in the region.
  • The feeding of young mammals must be based on natural milk, provided by maternal milk or organic milk from their own species.

In order to satisfy nutritional requirements of  livestock, only the following types of products can be used for animal feeding:

  • Feed materials from mineral origin   
  • Trace elements   
  • Vitamins, pro-vitamins and chemically well-defined substances having a similar effect

The following ingredients must not be used in feeds:

  • Sawdust   
  • Synthetic colouring agents   
  • Urea   


  • Use of chemically-synthesised allopathic medicinal products is not permitted.
  • Use of chemically synthesised allopathic veterinary medicinal products or antibiotics must not be use in the absence of illness.
  • Use of substances to promote growth or production (including antibiotics, coccidiostatics and other artificial aids for growth promotion purposes) must not be use.
  • Use of hormones or similar substances to control reproduction (e.g. induction or synchronisation of oestrus) or for other purposes is prohibited.
  • Use of organo-chlorines or organo-phosphates for treating livestock external parasites is prohibited.
  • Use of antibiotics on a whole herd or flock to prevent disease may not be used.
  • Use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics must not be used except with permission from AsureQuality and only to treat individual animals.
  • Use of hormones must not be used for synchronizing heat, stimulating production, promoting growth.
  • Use of vaccines may be used if there is a known disease risk in the specific region of the farm, the disease cannot be controlled by other management techniques, the simplest form available, and GMO-free,


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