Animal husbandry: Japan - JAS


Only the uses of materials described as below are permitted:

  • Organic agricultural feed
  • Agricultural and livestock products other than milK
  • Agricultural and livestock products with the same categories of organic agricultural products, organic milk, organic feeds and organic agricultural feeds used for ingredients
  • Agricultural, livestock and fishery processed foods, and marine products (except for ionizing radiated foods and those produced by the recombinant DNA technology).
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Limestone, shellfish fossils, shells, doromite, phosphate rock, and diatomaceous earth
  • Feed additives (except for those produced by using antibiotic and recombinant DNA technology), which are natural substances, or those derived from natural substances without chemically treated.


  • The organic agricultural products, organic processed foods, organic milk and organic feeds used for ingredients shall be controlled not to be mixed with other agricultural and livestock products or processed foods.
  • Only physical method or method using biological function shall be used for the disease and pest control.
  • Ionizing radiation shall not be applied.


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