Aquaculture: Australia - NASAA
- Where available, brought-in aquatic organisms shall come from organic sources.
- Where not available from organic sources, fish from a conventional hatchery may be used for a period until January 2010 when this policy will be reviewed.
- Artificially polyploid organisms and genetically engineered species or breeds, are prohibited.
- Aquaculture feeds shall contain 100% certified organic components, or waste products only of aquatic origin.
- Where certified organic components or waste products are not available feed of conventional origin up to a maximum of 5% (by dry weight) including commercial fishmeal may be used.
- Mineral and vitamin supplements are permitted if they are supplied in their natural form.
- Feed comprised of by-catch shall not be used.
Prohibited feed / substances:
- Synthetic growth promoters and stimulants
- Synthetic appetisers
- Synthetic antioxidants and preservatives, urea and other synthetic nitrogen compounds, feedstuffs subjected to solvent (eg. hexane) extraction, amino acid isolates
- Material from the same species/genus/family as the one being fed
- Artificial colouring agents
- Genetically engineered organisms or products thereof
- Slaughter products of the same species
- All types of excrement including droppings, dung or other manure
- Preservatives, except when used as a processing aid.
Permitted feed preservatives:
- Bacteria, fungi and enzymes
- By-products from the food industry (eg. molasses)
- Plant based products
- Synthetic chemical feed preservatives are permitted in response to severe weather conditions.
Operators shall comply with all the relevant requirements:
- In the event of the use of non-permitted veterinary drugs, the organism, or generation of organisms treated will lose certification and conversion of the operation or specific enclosure may be required to begin once again.
- The prophylactic use of veterinary drugs, except vaccinations, is prohibited.
- Vaccinations are permitted if diseases that cannot be controlled by other management techniques are known to exist in the region. Vaccinations are also permitted if they are legislated.
- Genetically engineered vaccines are prohibited.
- Synthetic hormones and growth promoters are prohibited.
- Aquatic animals shall not be subject to any kind of mutilation.
- The use of chemical allopathic veterinary drugs and antibiotics is prohibited for invertebrates.