Apiculture / Beekeeping: Sweden - KRAV

Cover the whole chain from purchasing of animals, feed and wax to the finished product.


  • Parallel production is not allowed.
  • Bee colonies and queens can only be purchased from KRAV-certified producers. If no KRAV-certified bee colonies or queens are available, a maximum of 10 % conventional bee colonies and queens can be purchased per year.
  • When choosing breeds, must take into consideration whether or not the bees can adapt to local conditions and their resilience and resistance they have against disease.
  • Genetically modified organisms are prohibited.


Prevention of disease should be based on:

  • Choice of suitable hardy breeds
  • Measures that promote resistance to disease, prevent infection and contribute to early detection of disease
  • Spores from Bacillus thuringiensis can be used to prevent wax moth in supplies of collector boxes
  • Oil, diesel fuel and other petroleum products cannot be used to prevent attack by ants or for any other type of pest control
  • Paste adhesives and similar substances can be used to provide a physical hinder for insects
  • It is prohibited to use construction material that can contain toxic substances
  • Natural materials such as wax, propolis and vegetable oils to be used inside the hive
  • It is prohibited to use chemical pest control near beehives.


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