Apiculture / Beekeeping: Brazil - IBD

  • Artificial insemination is prohibited.
  • It is not permitted the production of honey and other bee products in the area of conventional agriculture.
  • It is permitted only in the area of organic agriculture or traditional ( without the use of pesticides ) and native forests or natural.
  • The processing of organic honey in the same processing unit is allowed to conventional honey with different lots are perfectly separated.
  • It is prohibited the application of insecticides, fungicides, antibiotics and other pesticides on bees and boxes.


  • The feeding bees may be with organic brown sugar or granulated sugar organic, 10 % own or wild honey and water within fifteen days before flowering.
  • The addition of extracts of other herbs, native or certified in food is permitted.


The health of hives can be achieved with proper care and management , through the choice of appropriate breeds or breed.

The drugs permitted for use in the hives and bees are:

  • Formic Acid
  • Acetic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Oxalic acid
  • Essential oils
  • Camphor
  • Bacillus thuringiensis


To produce smoke, use only natural wood without chemical treatment. The use of smoke should be kept to a minimum.

Cleaning and disinfection of hives can only be made by physical methods such as heat, fire, scraping or brushing.

The destruction of bees and beehives as a method of harvesting is prohibited.

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