Food Processing: Brazil - IBD

Processing methods allowed are:

  1. physical or mechanical
  2. biological
  3. smoking
  4. extraction
  5. precipitation
  6. filtration

The processing and handling of organic products must be made in different place and time of the handling and processing of conventional products.

Use of microorganisms and enzymes in preparation and processing

Use of genetically modified products and their derivatives in processing
Not allowed.

Food Processing: Australia - NASAA

  • Routine use of veterinary drugs is not permitted (eg. dry cow treatment for mastitis).
  • In the event of use of veterinary drugs, quarantine of animals and milk is necessary and provision of a test bucket must be made to maintain separation of any conventional milkfor 6 months before being acceptable again as organic.   
  • Quarantine procedures must be observed in the case of use of veterinary drugs.

The following are approved for processing and preparation methods:

  • Mechanical and physical
  • Biological processes such as fermentation
  • Extraction
  • Precipitation
  • Filtration
  • The use of genetically modified organisms for the processing of organic and bio-dynamicproducts or their derivatives is prohibited including food additives or processing aids.
  • Irradiation is not permitted.
  • The use of nanotechnology is prohibited.
  • Filtration techniques that chemically react with or modify organic food on a molecular basis are restricted to mechanical filtration. Filtration equipment shall not contain asbestos, or utilise techniques or substances that may negatively affect the product.

The following post production practices are approved for juice production:

  • Water and steam-cleaned plant and equipment
  • Food grade anti-microbial rinses are acceptable but must be thoroughly rinsed with boiled or pasteurised water prior to contact with organic foods
  • Pasteurisation of juices prior to bottling
  • Citric acid and ascorbic acid E300 used as preservatives
  • Centrifugation, muslin, diatomaceous earth or polysheet straining to remove unwanted residues
  • Certified organic sugar
  • Tetra paks

The following post production practices are prohibited for juice production:

  • Conventional sugar additions
  • Colouring agents and antioxidants 

The following post production practices are approved for juice production:

  • Lined metal cans are acceptable
  • Lead content in solder provided that the food pH is between 6.7 and 7.3
  • 95% tin solder and cadmium free food grade solder  

The following post production practices are prohibited for juice production:

  • Aluminium lead bearing solder where lead content is over 5%

Approved post production practices:

  • Physical preparations (boiling, straining, evaporation to thicken etc)
  • Natural pectins, gelatine, corn flour and approved vegetable gums for thickening provided they do not contain or are derived from GMOs

Prohibited post production practices:

  • Sulphur based preservatives
  • Copper, Teflon-coated and aluminium cooking utensils

Approved post-production practices:

  • Use of anti-bacterial rinses providing that all traces are flushed from contactsurfaces with pasteurised or sterilised water  
  • Hydrogen peroxide or biodegradable compounds
  • Transport of certified milk in stainless steel containers after collection
  • Use of bacterial and enzyme preparations excluding genetically engineered strains
  • Pasteurisation (heat treatment, high speed and vat)
  • Separation and physical filtration methods
  • Preparation of milk products (cooling, churning, culturing, ripening and cooking)
  • Vacuum packing with or without nitrogen or C0
  • Bottling of milk in glass, recyclable non-polymerising plastics and food grade waxed cardboard
  • Packaging of cheeses in wax or cloth after brine washing
  • Ultra Heat Treated (UHT)

Prohibited post production practices:

  • Preservatives, thickeners and emulsifiers (eg. potassium sorbate)
  • Genetically manipulated enzyme and bacterial cultures

The following practices are required for coffee production and manufacture:

  • Sun or artificial drying of beans preferably using waste husks to fire the furnaces.
  • Nocontamination from fuel burning of beans shall occur

The following practices are prohibited for coffee production and manufacture:

  • Fumigation of coffee with methyl bromide prior to export
  • Mixing or blending of organic and conventional coffees
  • Use of any synthetic fungicides or pesticides in organic coffee storage

The following practices are approved for tea production and manufacture:

  • Packing in poly bags or tea chests internally lined with plywood
  • Use of recycled paper material for tea bag manufacture
  • The provision of dust masks to factory workers to prevent tea dust inhalation


  • Fermentation with naturally occurring yeasts on fruit and non-genetically modified yeasts
  • Fining with bentonite, diatomaceous earth, food grade gelatine, casein and physical processes such as chilling
  • Maturation and storage in food grade inert materials, including new barrels, dedicated organic barrels or barrels that have been cleaned to remove interior residues under cover of an inert gas such as nitrogen

The following products and practices are prohibited for wine production andmanufacture:

  • GMO’s and their products including processing aids and additives
  • Ion exchange processes for stabilisation
  • Use of lead capsules
  • Copper sulphate
  • Asbestos wicks
  • Blending with non-organic wines at any percentage
  • Erythorbic Acid
  • Ammonium phosphate

Food Processing: Australia - ACO


  • Ingredients from uncertified sources may include water, salt and yeasts (where unavailable in organic form).
  • Yeasts shall not be sourced from GE processes or products and all sanitary and other steps shall be taken.
  • Enzymes are allowed.
  • Emulsifiers and other processing aids are allowed.
  • Emulsifiers such as lecithin shall not be sourced from GMO soy. Verification shall be required when using uncertified emulsifi ers and other ingredients to ensure they are not products of GE.
  • Organic products shall not be processed in the same production unit areas (such as preparation, mixing,r aising and cooking units) at the same time as uncertified products.


  • Extraction shall be of a physical nature (heating, pressing, hammering)
  • In the case of blends or mixtures, at least 95% of all ingredients shall come from certified organic sources
  • Enrichment agents may be added in accordance with appropriate regulation
  • Retinol (Vitamin A) and Calciferol (Vitamin D) are permitted.


  • Spices, tea and coffee shall be harvested, dried, extracted, processed, etc in a manner which ensures no contamination with products prohibited under this Standard. This includes prohibition of pest control
  • chemicals in storage or at time of transport (including port containers).


  • Sulphur dioxide is permitted for wine but shall fall below the levels specified in the Australian wine standard. As a guide, SO2 should not exceed 125 PPM in wines.

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