Food Processing: Sweden - KRAV

A conventional raw material must not:

  • Be used in a product with a KRAV-certified ingredient of the same type
  • Contain or be made with the help of genetically modified organisms
  • Be made using prohibited processes
  • Be made up of or contain technologically created nanoparticles
  • Only natural flavorings can be used.

Permitted additives:

  • Calcium carbonates
  • Tannic acid
  • Sulphur dioxide
  • Potassium disulphite
  • Lactic acid
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Malic acid
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Tocopherol-rich extract (E 306) (mixed natural concentrate)
  • Lecithin
  • Citric acid
  • Sodium citrates
  • Calcium citrate
  • Tartaric acid
  • Sodium tartrate
  • Potassium tartrate
  • Mono calcium phosphate
  • Meta-tartaric acid
  • Alginic acid
  • Sodium alginate
  • Potassium alginate
  • Agar
  • Carrageenan
  • Locust bean gum
  • Guar gum
  • Acacia gum, gum Arabic
  • Xanthan gum
  • Pectin
  • Sodium carbonates
  • Potassium carbonates
  • Ammonium carbonates
  • Magnesium carbonates
  • Calcium chloride
  • Calcium sulphate
  • Sodium hydroxide
  • Silicon dioxide
  • Argon
  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Acetic acid (E 260) Sorbic acid/sorbates though only until the end of year 2013 sodium benzoate/benzoates though only until the end of year 2013


Food Processing: Switzerland - BIOSUISSE

  • Unnecessary manipulation or processing, or the preparation of products using isolated food substances is not permitted.
  • Treatments using ionizing radiation or microwaves are not permitted.
  • It is not allowed to use genetically modified organisms or their derivatives.
  • Chemical processing of foodstuffs or chemical alteration of substances in food is prohibited.


  • Grape juice and wine must be produced exclusively (100%) from organically grown grapes.
  • The addition of either dry sugar (saccharose) or concentrated grape must or rectified grape must concentrate in order to increase the natural alcohol content is permitted.
  • Sulphuric acid (SO2) as a preserving agent may be used.
  • Any measures or agents for pest control, particularly all types of fumigation or irradiation of foodstuffs or of their raw materials, by way of ionizing radiation or microwaves is prohibited.


Food Processing: Thailand - ACT

  • Shall be organically certified products.
  • In case organic raw materials are insufficient, raw materials are allowed to be used from conventional sources as ingredients.
  • In each processed product, the same kind of raw materials cannot be a mixture of both organic and conventional produce.
  • Raw materials from conventional sources, additives, processing aids, microorganisms and enzymes used in processing shall not be GMOs.
  • Microorganisms and enzymes used in processing shall be cultured or prepared preferably from organic materials.
  • Use of ethylene as ripening agent is allowed.
  • Use of aluminium containers for alkali food processing is not allowed.

Finished organic product which all ingredients are not organic produce may be certified when  proportion of organic ingredients as follow:

  • Organic produce shall be not be less than 95% by weight, excluding water and salt and other allowed ingredients of not more than 5%
  • Organic produce shall not be less than 70% by weight, excluding water and salt and other allowed ingredients of not more than 30%
  • Use of additives and processing aids should be as little as possible

The following substances are not allowed for food processing:

  • Saccharin
  • Borax
  • Mono sodium glutamate
  • Synthetic anti-oxidants
  • Synthetic preservative
  • Synthetic flavor
  • Bleaching agents (sulfur dioxide)
  • Vitamins and minerals shall not be used in organic processing

Permitted processes:

  • Physical processes such as milling, pressing (liquid extraction), oil extraction
  • Biological processes such as fermentation but must not used GMOs
  • Wind drying and sun drying, drying by heat, frying, stir frying, evaporation, smoking
  • Extraction, only by water, ethanol, animal and plant oil, vinegar, carbon dioxide, nitrogen
  • Precipitation
  • Filtration, allowed only those that have no chemically reacted or modify food on a molecular basis. Filtration substances shall not be made of asbestos nor substances which may negatively affect the product.
  • Distillation 

Prohibited processes:

  • Microwaving and ionizing radiation of raw materials, ingredients and additives
  • Radiation of organic produce and products

If the same processing equipment, machine, and area is used for conventional product and organic product, the operator shall:

  • Not process conventional and organic products at the same time
  • After processing conventional products, clean the areas, containers, equipment and machines with cleaning agents and rinse with water or allow time for them to evaporate.
  • The operator shall check and make sure that no residue is left before starting the processing of organic products. Cleaning records shall be kept for inspection by ACT.


Food Processing: New Zealand - Asure Quality


  • Organically derived ingredients must be used if available.
  • Non-organic ingredients may be used inthe preparation of processed organic products where such ingredients are of agricultural origin and cannot be sourced as organic in sufficient quantities.
  • These materials shall not be genetically engineered.
  • Water and salt may be used as ingredients in theproduction of organic products and are not included in the percentage calculations of organic ingredients.
  • Minerals (including trace elements), vitamins and similar isolated ingredients shall not be usedunless their use is legally required in the food products in which they are incorporated, or wheresevere dietary or nutritional deficiency can be demonstrated. This applies to both the country ofmanufacture and the country where the product is sold.
  • Preparations of micro-organisms and enzymes commonly used in food processing may be used,with the exception of genetically engineered micro-organisms and their products.
  • Ingredients, additives or processing aids derived from GMOs Must not be used.
  • Ingredients produced using nanotechnology must not be used.
  • Processing methods shall be mechanical, physical or biological in nature and minimise the use of non-agricultural ingredients, processing aids and additives.
  • Extraction shall only take place with water, ethanol, plant and animal oils, vinegar, carbon dioxideand nitrogen. These shall be of a quality appropriate for their purpose.
  • You must not use irradiation or ingredients that have been irradiated. This includes irradiation for the purposes of pest control, food preservation, elimination of pathogens or sanitation.
  • Filtration equipment shall not contain asbestos, or utilise techniques or substances that maynegatively affect the product.
  • Ethylene gas is permitted for ripening.
  • Steam traps and filters should be used to remove non-volatile boiler water additives.

The following conditions of storage are permitted (for allowed substances in these conditions:

  • Controlled atmosphere   
  • Temperature control   
  • Drying
  • Humidity regulation   

A handler or processor is required to manage pests and shall use the following methods according to these priorities:

  • Preventative methods such as disruption, elimination of habitat and access to facilities
  • Mechanical, physical and biological methods
  • Substances appearing in Table 1 (or other substances allowed for use by AsureQuality in accordance with Section 10) may be used provided that they are accepted for use inhandling, storage, transportation or processing facilities by the competent authority and so that contact with organic products is prevented. 
  • The operator shall take necessary precautions to prevent contamination, including the removal of organic product from the storage or processing facility, and measures to decontaminate the equipment or facilities.
  • Application of prohibited substances to equipment or facilities shall notcontaminate organic product handled or processed therein.
  • Pests should be avoided by good manufacturing practice.

You must not use prohibited pest control practices, which include:

  • Fumigation with ethylene oxide, methyl bromide, aluminum phosphide
  • Ionizing radiation


  • 100% grape juice and wine from organically grown grapes must be used.
  • Organic sucrose and concentrated organic grape may be used for enrichment (increased natural alcohol content)
  • Yeast may be used provided must not be from sources grown on petrochemical substrate, or sulfite waste liquor or using GMO technologies.
  • Organic yeast where available must be used.
  • Organic wastes from wine production must be processed and treated in such a way that they do notdamage the environment.
  • Organic waste should be recycled as organic fertilizer.
  • Organic wines must not be blended with non-organic wines at any percentage.

The following may be use:

  • Pectins (unmodified)   
  • silicon dioxide as a gel or colloidal solution   
  • Tannic acid
  • Bentonite   
  • Casein organic unless commercially unavailable   
  • Diatomaceous earth   
  • Egg whitealbumen
  • Food grade gelatin -organic unless commercially unavailable    
  • Chilling   
  • Potassium tartrate   
  • Potassium carbonate & potassium bicarbonate   
  • Lactic acid bacteria   
  • Citric acid (to stabilize iron)   
  • Abscorbic acid   
  • Perlite

The following must not be used:   

  • GMO processing aids and additives
  • The following acceptable processing methods may be used:
  • Crushing   
  • Settling   
  • Centrifugation   
  • Chilling   
  • Short term heating   
  • Hot bottling of wine   
  • Filtration with approved media   
  • Treatment with inert gas   

Food Processing: New Zealand - BioGro


  • Meat processing facilities must be certified by BioGro.
  • Milk dairy sheds must comply with all relevant regulatory and industry requirements.  
  • Eggs must be collected regularly, stored in a cool (below 15oC), dark, dry, and odour-free area, with the pointed end facing downwards. 
  • Eggshells must be free of manure and clean.  


  • The quality of fish and shellfish must be maintained by chilling as soon as practical after harvest and the temperature monitored and recorded during transportation and storage.  
  • The premises and handling of the product must comply with regulatory requirements.  
  • Processing systems must ensure that certified products retain their identify, are clearly separated from uncertified products, and do not come into contact with prohibited materials.   
  • All contact surfaces must be washed down with potable water before processing commences.


  • The use of combs containing broods is prohibited for honey extraction. The destruction of bees in the combs as a method of harvesting of bee products is also prohibited.    
  • Where there is parallel processing at the honey-house, storage and extraction processes must prevent mixing of certified honey with uncertified honey. 
  • Honey extraction must be carried out using a method that will prevent contamination or degradation of the certified honey. The use of chemical synthetic bee repellents is prohibited during honey extraction operations.   


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