Packaging: Germany - Naturland

Use of Plastic (PVC)
No specification for plastic. But bioplastic is said desirable. However, genetically modified raw goods may not be used in its production.

  • The packaging should be manufactured in an eco-friendly manner and similarly disposable or recyclable.
  • The size and weight of the packaging should be kept to a minimum. The goal is to have as little packaging as possible.
  • Returnable packaging should only not be used if this is not possible or reasonable eg because of inefficient transport distances.
  • Preference for packaging with a high proportion of recycled and/or renewable raw goods is to be given over packaging made of fossil or exhaustible raw materials such as metal or petroleum-based plastics.
  • The possibility of re-using the packaging is to be aimed for, eg as a drinking glass, storage container or alternative fuel.
  • Proof by the manufacturer of the packaging or by the supplier of the fact that no genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or their derivates were used in the production of the packaging is to be given in the form of a declaration of compliance to be submitted during organic inspection.
  • The printing inks chosen should be free of harmful solvents.
  • No packaging containing chlorine, metal or aluminium should be used.
  • Cork treated with chlorine is not permissible.
  • Modified atmosphere packaging using a mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen is permitted.
  • Irradiation (both electrical and ionising) of packaging to make the products more durable is not permitted under the Naturland standards.


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