Packaging: Brazil - IBD Organic Seal

All labels and packaging products certified by IBD CERTIFICATIONS shall be subject to prior approval by IBD CERTIFICATIONS before exposure to light either for marketing or to test because they must:

  • Conform with current legislation in the country of use of the product in relation to mandatory information that must appear on the packaging, identifying product from organic agriculture;
  • Stamping, clearly, the name and address of the legally responsible for the product, as well as how to obtain additional information and customer service for comments, suggestions and complaints;
  • Use the label "Organic IBD" with the term "Certified Organic Product" or "Made with organic" or similar, as indicated in the following items;
  • Clearly list , in order of percentage composition , all certified products IBD , all non-certified ingredients , all additives or auxiliary processing used and the methods used in processing the food in question;
  • Use for the purpose of calculating the percentage composition , the relative weight of each raw material used , divided by the net weight of the final processed product, these calculations excluding water and salt added to the product . If necessary , the
  • Values may be rounded to the lower whole number percentage ;
  • Identifying , in general , herbs and / or spices when they constitute less than 2% of the composition;
  • Reporting , with the Seal IBD , the code of the farm , association or company. Only can use the label " IBD CERTIFICATIONS Organic" on their packages for products that contain at least 95 % of ingredients of agricultural origin certified organic .

Conventional products may not be packaged in (including sacks) having the ID of "organic".

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