Packaging: Switzerland - Biosuisse

The packaging system used should be the one that provides optimum protection for the product while having the least possible impact on the environment.

Where it is practicable, re-use systems should be utilized.

Packaging: Thailand - Organic Agriculture Certification Thailand (ACT)

Packing materials for organic produce from farms
Shall never be used for packing chemicals, fertilizer, or any substance which may harm consumer’s health.

Packing materials treated with chemicals or fungicide
Shall not be used.

Packing materials for finished products
Shall be clean, never used for packing any other food or materials, except glass container.

Packaging materials which can be recycled
Should be chosen.

Multi-layer packaging
Not recommended.

Not allowed.

Packaging: New Zealand - Asure Quality

Packaging material:

  • Shall not contaminate organic food.
  • Shall not contain a synthetic fungicide,preservative, or fumigant.

Processors of organic food should avoid unnecessary packaging materials.

Organic food should be packaged in reusable, recycled, recyclable, and biodegradable packaging whenever possible.

The following packing material should not be used:

  • PVC   
  • Polystyrene (expanded foam), unless for the transportation of fish products   
  • Bio-plastics derived  from GM ingredients or nanotechnology   

Packaging: New Zealand - BioGro

Packaging material:

  • Must not contain any substance capable of contaminating the product during its maximum storage and shelf life.
  • Must not contain any synthetic pesticides (including fungicides), preservatives, or fumigants.  
  • Must consider the energy content of the packaging. This criterion will best be met if the package can be reused as many times as possible, or recycled.


Packaging: Japan - JAS

Refer to food processing.

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