Social Aspect: Australia - NASAA

  • Where production is based on violation of basic human rights and clear cases of social injustice, that product cannot be declared as organic.
  • The certification applicant shall not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or verbal abuse.
  • Operators may not use forced or involuntary labour.
  • Employees and contractors of organic operations have the freedom to associate, the right to organize and the right to bargain collectively.
  • Operators shall provide their employees and contractors equal opportunity and treatment, and shall not act in a discriminatory way.
  • Operators shall not hire child labour. Children are allowed to experience work on their family’s farm and/or a neighbouring farm provided that
  • Such work is not dangerous or hazardous to their health and safety
  • It does not jeopardize the children’s educational, moral, social and physical development.
  • Children are supervised by adults or have authorization from a legal guardian.
  • Employers shall provide all employees with potable drinking water, latrines or toilets, a clean place to eat, adequate protective equipment and access to adequate medical care.
  • All employers shall ensure that workers have received safety training.

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