Social aspect: Switzerland - Biosuisse

The management of the farm/unit must provide employees with the following:

  • Job description
  • Details of wages and mode of payment
  • Details of requirements concerning notice
  • Reasons for termination of employment, deductions, working hours and holidays,
  • Regulations concerning sickness, accident and maternity leave.
  • Written contract of employment.
  • Housing for employees, as a minimum, conform to customary regional requirements as regards dimensions, amenities (running water, heating, light, and furnishings), sanitary facilities (toilets), accessibility and privacy.
  • Special training and protective clothing.
  • Access to sanitary facilities and medical care.
  • Must cover loss of income due to sickness, accident or maternity at least to the extent prescribed in the relevant legislation.
  • Shall be responsible for ensuring the health and safety of people within the unit and making sure that they are not exposed to undue risks in the course of their work.
  • Must belong to a sectoral occupational safety organization in accordance with the Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety (FCOS).


An employee’s wages (calculated on the basis of a full-time contract) must:

  • At least cover his/her basic needs
  • Comply with the local legislation and sectoral norms.
  • Informed about the mode, time and place in which they will receive payment.


  • Annual working hours or average working hours over a period of up to six weeks may be set by mutual agreement. This provides the necessary flexibility for peak times.
  • Overtime must be appropriately remunerated in the form of supplementary wage payments or time off in lieu.
  • Every employee has a fundamental right to take at least one day (24 hours) off after six consecutive day’s work.


  • Must be in place between an employer and any temporary employee.
  • Seasonal employees and persons on work placement receive the same employments benefits as long-term employees, and are entitled to the same conditions of employment.
  • A documentary record must be kept of hours worked and remuneration paid.
  • Employees must be informed of their rights and remunerated appropriately.
  • Employees of subcontractors are entitled to the same conditions of employment as long-term employees of the farm/unit. Responsibility for ensuring that this is implemented lies with the management of the farm/unit hiring the subcontractor.


  • All enjoy the same rights regardless of gender, religion, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, political views or sexual orientation.
  • All have equal rights to receive professional training and any benefits provided by the employer (eg produce, shared transport, etc).
  • All receive equal remuneration, in terms of both pay and benefits, for equal work.
  • Employees have the opportunity to assert their rights. They have the right to freedom of assembly, the right to engage in collective bargaining and the right to a fair hearing by the management of the farm/unit without being subject to discrimination as a result. They must be informed about procedures for making a complaint concerning their employment.

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