New Zealand - AsureQuality Ltd


Year Introduced: 2007

Food Products:

  • Vegetables, fruits & nuts - Sugar crops and sweeteners and derived products
  • Meat
  • Aquaculture products – Mussels, oysters, kelps
  • Processed products

Certification Body:

Asure Quality New Zealand Limited


  • JASANZ (Joint Accreditation System of Australia & New Zealand (JAS-ANZ))
  • IOAS (International Organic Accreditation Service)
  • FAMIC (Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Centre)
  • Ministry of Primary Industries New Zealand

Scope of Certification:

  • From farm to fork
  • Production, processing, handling, transport, storage or sale points of the chain


  • AsureQuality Organic Standard V5
  • Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MAF) Official Organic Assurance Programme Technical Rules for Organic Production V7.1
  • USDA National Organic Program (NOP)
  • JAS - Japan Agricultural Standard
  • EU Programme
  • CAN/CGSB-32.310-2006 (Canada)
  • IFOAM programme

Applicants of label:

  • Primary producers
  • Processors
  • Input suppliers
  • Packers and/or marketers
  • Exporters and importers

Wholesalers and retailers

Other forms of label:
