Labels: Germany - Naturland

  • The labeling of a product enables the buyer to identify the person or company legally responsible for the product.
  • For the consumer, wild grown products have to be clearly and visibly distinguishable from products of organic agriculture.
  • To ensure this, the origin of every "wild grown product" has to be made clear on its label on the list of ingredients or in the information printed on the product wrapping material.
  • The note is not obligatory if the share of wild grown products in a mixed product is less than 25%.


  • The endorsement of foodstuffs, fodder and articles for daily use by making a reference to Naturland, to certification by Naturland or by applying the Naturland trademark is solely permitted on the basis of a valid sublicensing agreement and a valid Naturland certificate.
  • In addition to fulfilling statutory requirements, the following must be observed when labeling products certified by Naturland: Full declaration-All the ingredients of each product must be listed completely (even in the case of compound ingredients) in the order of their weight as a percentage of the total weight.
  • In the case of herbs and spices, the general term may be used if their weight does not exceed 2% of the weight of the product.
  • The use of iodized table salt has to be indicated clearly.
  • Food additives must be listed with their complete designation.
  • All raw materials and ingredients certified by Naturland must be labeled clearly and unambiguously with the word NATURLAND or bear the Naturland logo.
  • Products labeled with the Naturland trademark, bearing reference to Naturland or to certificaton by Naturland, contain raw goods, ingredients, food additives and processing additives from agricultural sources (hereinafter referred to as primary substances) which have been certified by Naturland.
  • If primary substances certified by Naturland are not available in the right quality or in sufficient quantity, application may be made to use primary substances from other sources from the following list of priorities.
  • The highest priority is accorded to the use of primary substances certified by Naturland.
  • Primary substances from certifiers whose certification is recognised by Naturland as being of an equivalent standard may be used after receiving written approval from the Naturland certification committee.
  • If the primary substances are not available, raw goods recertified by Naturland and primary substances from other certifiers may only be used after receiving written approval from the Naturland certification committee (for a limited period).
  • If the primary substances are not available, organically produced primary substances may be employed for a limited period where sufficient justification exists and then only after receiving written approval from the Naturland admissions committee, provided these primary substances at least comply with the statutory requirements for organic products under currently valid national legislation (eg EU Directive, NOP) of the country in which the goods are to be put on the market.
  • However, manufacturer is obliged to replace these primary substances with primary substances certified by Naturland as quickly as possible.
  • Conventional primary substances may only be used after receiving prior approval from the Naturland certification committee and even then only for max. 5% (not including water and salt) of the final product, on condition that they are not available from organic sources and that the primary substances have not been genetically modified.
  • In complete feed with Naturland labeling, at most 30% of the agricultural raw materials is allowed to be from conversion period.


  • Landless farming is prohibited. The basis of animal nutrition is the feed produced on the farm itself.
  • At least 50% of the feed must be produced on the farm itself (or come from a co-operation with another organic farm approved by Naturland).


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