Labels: Switzerland - Biosuisse

Swiss Organic Products
  • Products that contain a minimum of 90% Swiss-grown raw materials
  • Bud label is supplemented with the words “BIO SUISSE”
(Partially) imported products
  • Products containing less than
  • 90% Swiss-grown raw materials
  • Bud label is supplemented with the word “BIO”
Bud Declaration label (in German: “Deklarations-Knospe”)
  • Bud label must be indicated without the words “BIO” and “SUISSE” in the list of ingredients or in the indication of raw materials used in non-food products
Bud in-conversion label (in German: “Umstellungs-Knospe”)
  • All conversion products must bear the declaration “Product under conversion to organic farming”
  • The word “BIO” must not be used

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