Crop Production: New Zealand - BioGro


  • Organic seeds, seedlings and vegetative propagative materials mutbe used where available.
  • If certified organic is unavailable, then seed and vegetative reproductive material may be taken from a mother plant (in the case of seeds) and a parent plant (in the case of vegetative propagating material) which have been produced under certified conversion to organic production.


The following are allowed for weed management:

  • Biological control agents
  • BioGrocertified/approved    bio-dynamic peppers   
  • Mechanical and thermal weed control techniques,    such as flame weeding
  • Plastic and reflective mulches. Onlyplastic    products    basedonpolyethylene,    polypropyleneand    polycarbonatesare    allowed.

Prohibited weed management approaches:

  • Chemical/synthetic herbicides
  • Solarisation

Permitted pest management approaches:

  • Mechanical controls eg traps, barriers, sound scares, lures, etc
  • Biodynamic preparations and peppers
  • Biological controls eg introduction of parasites, predators, and disease organisms, diatomaceous earth
  • Disease organisms egBacillus thuriengensis (Bt) products
  • Homeopathic preparations
  • Microbial products
  • Natural acids, eg citric acid, natural vinegar
  • Pheromone products
  • Potassium bicarbonate
  • Soft soaps (potassium based soaps)
  • Salt water
  • Vegetable oils


Composts and vermicasts should have the following:

  • May be made on the farm or purchased from BioGro certified/approved sources.
  • Made on the farm must be sourced from the certified properties or ingredients selected in compliance with the BioGro Compost Guide.
  • Made on the farm must heated, aerated ad mixed, matured sufficiently and have been produced in requirements.


  • Application rates of compost along with other fertilizer addition must not lead to excessive levels of available nitrogen
  • Nitrogen applied through the use of approved composts and foliar fertilizers, should be no more than that required for the current crop, and as a guide should not exceed 170kg nitrogen per hectare per year.

Permitted fertilizers and soil conditioners:

  • Food and textile industry by-products of biodegradable material ie of microbial, plant or animal origin, free of synthetic additives.
  • Biological activators
  • Liquid fertilizer including vermicast liquid and compost teas

Prohibited fertilizers and soil conditioners:

  • Sewage by-products
  • Raw manure
  • Sewage manure and composts containing human excrement iefaeces and urine
  • Thermal sterilization
  • Burning vegetation

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