Crop Production: Malaysia - Skim Organik Malaysia (SOM)


  • Use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products there is prohibited.
  • Use of conventional seed and planting material is only allowed where there is no organic seed or propagation material of the appropriate sort available.
  • Seeds and propagation material shall not be treated with prohibited substances. Exceptions should be allowed where there is no untreated seed or propagation material of the appropriate sort available where varieties protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act.


  • Pest, diseases and weeds shall be controlled by cultural, mechanical, physical and biological methods
  • Use of inputs for pest, disease, weed control and plastic mulch material shall be allowed only where cultural, biological and mechanical measures are ineffective under the production condition in question. Spent plastic
  • mulch material shall be disposed or properly and not ploughed back into the soil
  • Use of plant waste material from conventional systems shall be allowed for mulching where there is no plant material from organic systems of the appropriate sort available. e.g : paddy straw, grasses, oil palm leaves etc
  • If mechanical/physical and biological methods are inadequate for pest control, farms shall only used permitted substances
  • Where the substances are restricted, the conditions of use as set by the certification body shall be strictly adhered by the farm

Preparations on basis of pyrethrins extracted from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, containing possibly a synergist

Preparations of Rotenone from Derris elliptica, Lonchocarpus, Thephrosia spp.

Preparations from Quassia amara

Preparations from Ryania speciosa

Preparation of Neem (Azadirachtin) from Azadirachta indica


Plant oils

Seaweed, seaweed meal, seaweed extracts, sea salt and salty water
Allowed if not fortified with synthetic additives.

Allowed if not from animal origin.

Allowed if not from animal origin.

Allowed if not from animal origin.

Natural acids (e.g. vinegar)

Fermented product from Aspergillus

Extract from mushroom (Shiitake fungus)

Extract from Chlorella

Natural plant preparations, excluding tobacco

Tobacco tea (except pure nicotine)

Inorganic compounds (Bordeaux mixture, copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride)

Burgundy mixture

Copper salts
Allowed in natural form.

Allowed in natural form.

Mineral powders (stone meal, silicates)

Diactomaceous earth

Silicates, clay (Bentonite)

Sodium silicate

Sodium bicarbonate

Potassium permanganate

Paraffin oil

Micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) e.g. Bacillus thuringiensis, Granulosis virus, etc)
Only approved micro-organisms are allowed.  Imported micro-organisms must be approved by authority.

Carbon dioxide and nitrogen gas

Potassium soap (soft soap)

Ethyl alcohol

Hemeophatic and Ayurvedic Preparations

Herbal and biodynamic preparations

Sterilised insect males

Pheromone preparations

Preparations on the basis of metaldehyde containing a repellent to higher animal species and as far as applied in traps


  • Organic materials and mineral fertilizers shall not be used.
  • Where applicable in annual crop production, an appropriate green manure crop shall be included in the crop rotation plan to maintain organic matter content and soil fertility.
  • Imported microbial innoculum used for enhancing soil fertility shall undergo quarantine procedures before used.
  • Crop and vegetable residues must be fully composted.
  • Mulch material must be dried before use.
  • Green manure and straw can be incorporated directly into the soil.
  • Spent mushroom waste must be composted.

Permitted fertilizers & soil conditioners:

  • Only composted/processed farmyard manure
  • Fully fermented slurry as supplements
  • Humus from worm (vermicompost) and insects
  • Commercial/urban compost if not fortified with synthetic additives or GMOs and amount use is within acceptable heavy metal content limits.
  • Biodegradable processing by-products of microbial, plant or animal origin, e.g. by product of food, oil palm, coconut and cocoa (including empty fruit bunch, palm oil mill effluent (pome), coco peat and empty cocoa pods), feed, oilseed, brewery, distillery or textile processing.
  • Seaweed and seaweed products
  • Wood, bark, sawdust, wood shavings, wood ash, wood charcoal from untreated wood
  • Only mined natural phosphates e.g. CIRP, Jordan Rock Phosphate.
  • Basic slag
  • Mineral potassium (e.g. sulphate of potash, kainit, sylvanite, patentkali)
  • Calcareous and magnesium amendments
  • Magnesium rock, kieserite and epsom salt (Magnesium sulphate)
  • Gypsum of natural origin (calcium sulphate)
  • Sodium chloride
  • Trace elements (e.g. boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc)
  • Sulphur
  • Pulverised rock, stone, meal
  • Clay (e.g. bentonite, perlite, zeolite)
  • Vermiculite
  • Peat
  • Chloride of limestone

Prohibited fertilizers & soil conditioners:

  • Human waste and pig waste
  • Fresh slurry or urine
  • Fresh guano
  • Synthetic growth hormones and similar substances


  • Farm equipment shall be cleaned before use on organic fields if they are used for conventional production.
  • Where appropriate, operators are required to record the use of such equipment and their cleaning routine
  • Spraying equipment used for prohibited materials shall not be allowed, provided it is properly cleaned

Crop Production: New Zealand - AsureQuality Ltd


  • Material of microbial, plant or animal origin shall form the basis of the fertility programme.
  • Appropriate microorganisms or plant-based preparations for compost activation may also be used.
  • Biodynamic preparations from stone meal, farmyard manure or plants may also be used.
  • Animal residues and manures from battery poultry systems must not be used.


Pests, diseases and weeds can be controlled by any one, or a combination, of the following measures:

  • Choice of appropriate species and varieties
  • Appropriate rotation programmes
  • Protection of natural enemies of pests through provision of favourable habitat
  • Diversified ecosystems
  • Flame weeding/steam weeding (mobile units only)
  • Natural enemies including release of predators and parasites
  • Biodynamic preparations from stone meal, farmyard manure or plants
  • Mulching and mowing
  • Grazing of animals
  • Biological control
  • Soil solarisation (plastic to be re-used and picked up once deteriorated)
  • Mechanical controls  such as traps, barriers, light and sound
  • Preventative methods, such as disruption and elimination of habitat and access to facilities by pest organisms
  • Pesticidal substances allowed for use, provided they are accepted for use in handling, storage, transportation or processing facilities by the competent authority and so that contact with organic products is prevented.
  • Good manufacturing practice
  • Rodenticides if in tamper-proof stations and in locations where there is no risk of product contamination


Crop Production: Sweden - KRAV


  • Organic propagation material must be use when possible.
  • Seeds from fields in conversion to KRAV-certified production can be considered as KRAV-certified seeds. The land as in conversion must be registered with the certification body before sowing the seed crop.
  • For annual plants, organic plants must be use.
  • Chemically treated seeds in KRAV-certified cultivation must not be used, but biologically treated seeds are permitted, as well as heat-treated seeds.
  • Seeds, plants or other propagation material cannot originate from genetically modified organisms.
  • KRAV-certified seeds must be used when cultivating sprouts.


  • When cultivating perennials, the risk of harmful insects, weeds and diseases attacking your crops must be minimized by having extensive biological diversity in and around the cultivation.
  • Other preventative measures are favoring and distributing natural enemies of plant pests (e.g. insects and arachnids (e.g. predaceous mites) to control pests as well as use of traps or capturing devices (EU).
  • Thermal weed control (heat) and electrical weed control (EU) can be used.
  • It is prohibited to sterilize soil thermally.
  • Plant protectants used in KRAV-certified production cannot contain genetically modified organisms (GMO). Further, they cannot be derived from genetically modified organisms or contain residues from such organisms.
  • The use of plant protectants cannot result in accumulation of heavy metals or other environmentally hazardous substances in the soil.

Permitted plant protectants:

  • Azadirachtin extracted from Azadirachta indica (Neem tree)
  • Beeswax
  • Gelatine
  • Hydrolysed proteins
  • Lecithin
  • Plant oils (e.g. mint oil, pine oil, Plant oils (e.g. mint oil, pine oil, caraway oil)
  • Pyrethrins extracted from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium
  • Quassia extracted from Quassia amara
  • Micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi)
  • Spinosad
  • Pheromones
  • iron (III) phosphate
  • Ethylene
  • Fatty acid potassium salt (soft soap)
  • Potassium aluminium (aluminium sulphate) (Kalinite)
  • Lime sulphur (calcium polysulphide)
  • Paraffin oil
  • Quartz sand
  • Sulphur
  • Calcium hydroxide (slaked lime)
  • Potassium bicarbonate

Prohibited plant protectants:

  • Pyrethrum
  • Rotenon extracted from Derris spp., Lonchocarppus spp. and Terphrosia spp
  • Diammonium Phosphate
  • Copper in the form of copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride, (tribasic) copper sulphate, cupric oxide and copper octanoate
  • Mineral oils
  • Potassium permanganate
  • Must not use pyrethrum extract with piperonyl butoxide


  • Fertilizers that are purchased for the farm or are otherwise brought in from an external source must not lead to the concentration of heavy metals or other environmentally hazardous substances or contaminants in the soil.
  • Fertilizers that are used in KRAV-certified production cannot contain genetically modified organisms (GMO). Further, they cannot be derived from genetically modified organisms or contain residues from such organisms.
  • Micronutrient fertilisers that contain nitrogen cannot be use.

Permitted organic fertilizers:

  • Farmyard manure
  • Composted or fermented sorted household waste
  • Peat
  • Mushroom culture waste
  • Dejecta of worms (vermicompost) and insects
  • Composted or fermented mixture of vegetable matter
  • Digestion residue from biogas production where prohibited farmyard manure is included

By-products of animal origin as below:

  • bone meal
  • gelatinized bone meal
  • bone charcoal
  • meat meal
  • blood meal
  • fish meal
  • horn meal
  • hoof meal
  • hair meal
  • wool, fur and hair
  • feather and chiquette meal
  • dairy products
  • products and by-products of plant origin
  • algae, seaweed and seaweed products

Permitted inorganic fertilizers:

  • soft ground rock phosphate
  • crude potassium salt, e.g. kainite
  • potassium sulphate and potassium-magnesium
  • vinnase
  • calcium carbonate, ground limestone, calcite, marl, calcareous sea algae (maerl), phosphate chalk
  • calcium and magnesium carbonate
  • magnesium sulphate (kieserite)
  • calcium chloride solution
  • gypsum (calcium sulphate)
  • lime from sugar production
  • industrial lime from vacuum salt production
  • elemental sulphur
  • sodium chloride (NaCl)
  • stone meal, e.g. silicon, basalt and granite meal, as well as clays
  • trace substances (micronutrient substances)

Prohibited inorganic fertilizers:

  • aluminium calcium phosphate
  • basic slag
  • artificial fertiliser (synthetic commercial fertiliser) nitrogen salts and solutions


The mushrooms must be cultivated in a substrate that only may contain:

  • Farmyard manure from organic production.
  • Farmyard manure from conventional production. However not more than 25 % of the total weight of the substrate before it is composted or before addition of water other products of agricultural origin from organic production
  • Peat which is not chemically treated.
  • Wood not chemically treated after felling.
  • Mineral products
  • Water
  • Soil

Crop Production: Switzerland - Biosuisse


  • Use of genetically modified seeds and transgenic plants is prohibited.
  • Use of hybrid seeds in cereal production (with the exception of maize) is no longer permitted.
  • It is mandatory for the planting material of vegetable and herb production as well as vegetative propagating material in top-fruit and soft-fruit plantations
    to be derived from Bud holdings.
  • The use of peat for the cultivation of planting material  should be as limited as possible.


  • The proper choice of variety, soil management for improved tilth, well-balanced fertilizer use, appropriate cultivation techniques (e.g. crop rotation, crop type, mixed cropping, sufficient space between plants, green manure) aim at preventing the incidence of pests and diseases.
  • For the direct control of pest organisms, mechanical and biotechnological methods are permitted.
  • Weed control is carried out through cultivation and mechanical methods.
  • The use of chemically-synthesized or genetically engineered crop protection products is prohibited.
  • Detectable residues of such products on the organic produce should not exist unless they originate from a general contamination of the environment.
  • Flame weeding is permitted.
  • Steam treatment of soils out of doors is prohibited.
  • The use of herbicides or growth regulators (straw shorteners, chemical fruit thinning, chemical soil disinfection or stem weakening agents etc.) and wilting agents is prohibited.

Permitted crop protection products:

  • Insect regulation with pheromones, such as the confusion technique
  • Repellents of plant or animal origin
  • Natural predators, eg parasitic wasps, predatory mites, nematodes and gall midges, in the field and in greenhouses
  • Naturally occurring microorganisms, such as Bacillus thuringiensis, granulosis virus, and fungi which are insect pathogens
  • Mechanical defensive measure, such as protective nets, slug-proof fences, adhesive plastic chromatic traps and sticky bands
  • Sulphur products, in low doses which allow predatory mites to survive, in orchards, vineyards, and vegetable growing
  • Inorganic copper products, for fruit, vegetable, potato and hop production and viticulture (maximum legally permitted application of 4 kg of pure copper per hectare and year), maximum permitted application of pure copper per hectare and year of treated surface
  • Pome fruit 1.5kg
  • Stone fruit 4kg
  • Soft fruit 2kg
  • Vegetables 4kg
  • Potatoes 4kg
  • Hops 4kg
  • Viticulture 4kg
  • Products based on soft soap
  • Plant extracts such as pyrethrum, rotenone, quassia, tobacco
  • Plant oils and mineral oils
  • Sulphur preparations


Permitted soil conditioners and fertilizers:

  • Fertilizers from on-farm production
  • Farmyard manure, fresh or aerobically rotted
  • Liquid manure/slurry after aerobic preparation (with agitation and aeration if possible)
  • Organic wastes and crop residues, aerobically composted
  • Organic mulch
  • Green manure
  • Straw
  • Household
  • Compost
  • Farmyard manure/liquid manure/slurry of animal origin from another holding, or organic waste in accordance with the instruction on “Nutrient Supply”
  • Products and by-products of the food processing industry (not containing chemical residues)
  • Sawdust and waste bark (without chemical treatments)
  • Rock dust, such as volcanic rock dust, quartz dust, basalt dust and powdered clays such as bentonite and others
  • Calcified seaweed
  • Slow-release liming products (dolomite, calcium carbonate, but not quicklime or slaked lime)
  • Rock phosphate, calcium magnesium phosphate, and basic slag (only if heavy metal content is low)
  • Silicate-rich rock dust containing potassium (feldspar, mica)
  • Sulphate of potash-magnesia, potassium sulphate (but only when soil analyses show up a potassium deficiency)
  • Plant-based products
  • Seaweed extracts
  • Bacterial products
  • Bio-dynamic preparation
  • Plant extracts and products such as infusions and teas
  • Seaweed extracts
  • Rock dust, bentonite and other clay minerals
  • Bio-dynamic preparations

Crop Production: Thailand - Organic Agriculture Certification Thailand (ACT)


  • Seed and plant propagation shall be from organic agriculture.
  • Use of conventional seed is allowed in case seed and plant propagation cannot be from organic agriculture
  • Use of chemical treatment is prohibited.
  • For perennial crop, growing plant propagation from non-organic agriculture in organic farm is permitted.
  • Produce of the crop in the first 12 monthscannot be sold as organic product with ACT seal.
  • Plant varieties and pollen from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as well as transgene plants are not allowed.


Permitted pest control products/methods:

  • Physical and biological pest control
  • Sticky insect trap
  • Sulfur
  • Chitin
  • Micro organisms
  • Copper Sulfate
  • Sodium bicarbonate
  • Potassium permanganate
  • Marigold
  • “Hang Lai” (Derris elliptica (Roxb.) Benth.)
  • Beneficial insect (predator, parasite)
  • Copper (compound substance)
  • Essential oils
  • Vinegar
  • Bordeaux mixture
  • Bacillus thuringensis (Bt)
  • Cover crops
  • Crop Rotation
  • Repellent plants
  • Pyrethrin (Extract from natural Pyrethrums)
  • Derris spp. (rotenone)
  • Natural materials such as rice straw, dried leaves and grass
  • Viruses
  • Potassium soap / Soft soap
  • Insect attraction agent or Pheromone
  • Growth stimulant or hormone
  • Botanical extracts
  • Neem
  • Nematode (for pest control)
  • Ethyl alcohol
  • Pest traps
  • Light trap
  • Wood ash
  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Motor oil (used)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Black light
  • Pyrethrin (Extracted from natural pyrethrum)
  • Pheromones
  • Ultra-sound
  • Plastic, based on polyethylene and polypropylene or other polycarbonates ,for mulching, fruit wrapping, insect netting
  • Rice straw with preference given to straw from organic farm. But if it is not available, straw from conventional farm is permitted.

Permitted additives in pest control products:

  • Citric acid
  • Methyl parahydrobezoate
  • Propyl parabezoate
  • Polysorbate

Prohibited pest control products/methods:

  • Detergent or synthetic sticking agents


Permitted fertilizers and soil conditioners:

  • Bone meal
  • Molasses
  • Vegetable seed cake
  • Rice husks
  • Sulphur
  • Gypsum salt (Magnesium Sulphate)
  • Industrial waste
  • Wood ash, rice husk ash
  • Saw dust
  • Vermi-castle
  • Calcium chloride
  • Microorganisms
  • Dolomite (Magnesium and Calcium Carbonate)
  • Mushroom manure
  • Bio-fertilizer
  • Micronutrients (Synthetic nutrients such as copper, cobalt, sulphate, selenium, boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, iron, iodine, Allow to use when necessary or when there is a clear sign of lack. Nitrate and chloride form are not permitted.)
  • Liquid bio-fertilizer
  • Nitrogen fertilizer
  • Green manure
  • Potassium fertilizer
  • Phosphorus fertilizer
  • Animal manure
  • Mineral fertilizer
  • On farm and brought-in composts but only organic materials listed and shall be used as ingredients in composting.
  • Compost from biogas waste
  • Compost from mushroom straw
  • Lime stone, marl (CaCO3)
  • Crop rotation
  • Straw and natural mulching materials
  • Bat manure
  • Rhizobium
  • Blood meal
  • Gypsum (calcium sulphate)
  • Soil improvement materials
  • Seaweed
  • Blue green algae
  • Compost bacteria
  • Plant and vegetable residue
  • Rock phosphate
  • Clay
  • Volcanic rock
  • Magnesium rock
  • Azolla
  • Brought-in poultry manure or farm animal by-products which is brought from farms which all animals are raised together in free ranged areas.

Prohibited fertilizers and soil conditioners:

  • Animal manures without aging
  • Organic matter contained excrement from human
  • Urban waste for composting
  • Chilean nitrate and all synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers, including urea

Prohibited products:

  • Synthetic growth stimulants e.g. using IBA and NAA for plant propagation.
  • Synthetic dyes for dying fruits


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