Crop Production: Italy - CCPB


  • When choosing propagation material, seeds and vegetable reproduction material must be of organic origin, whereas the use of genetically modified material or obtained from genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is not admitted.
  • Conventional material used for propagation, must not be GMO and/or derived therefrom GMO, and substances not allowed by the present Standard may not be used.
  • Seedlings used for vegetable production must be obtained in compliance with the organic method.
  • If perennial plants from conventional agriculture are bedded in plots that have exhausted its conversion period, the crop obtained during the first vegetative cycle cannot be marketed as “organic”.
  • Burning of crop residue is not admitted.


Products originating from animal excrement including the following products may be used for substrata:

  • Dung
  • Livestock farming effluents

Pasteurisation and sterilization for the multiplication of mycelium is permitted.

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