Crop Production: Canada - COR

When producing or handling organic products sold or labeled as being products whose content is partially or wholly organic, it is forbidden to use:

  • Any synthetic pesticides (eg defoliants and desiccants, fungicides, insecticides and rodenticides), wood preservatives (eg arsenate) or other pesticides
  • Fertilizer or composted plant and animal material that contains a substance
  • Sewage sludge, in any form, as defined in this standard, as a soil amendment
  • Synthetic growth regulators
  • Synthetic allopathic veterinary drugs, including antibiotics and parasiticides
  • Synthetic processing substances, aids and ingredients, and food additives and processing aids including sulphates, nitrates and nitrites
  • Ionizing radiation and forms of irradiation on products destined for food or their inputs
  • Equipment, packaging materials and storage containers, or bins that contain a synthetic fungicide, preservative or fumigant
  • Cloned farm animals and their descendants

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