Crop Production: Brazil - IBD


  • Products or methods, synthetic or not (as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides , irradiation) is not allowed to use.
  • Products or methods for prevention of pests , diseases or weeds, as well as instorage of products are prohibited.
  • Thermal control of invaders and physical methods for pests, diseases and management of invaders are allowed.
  • Thermal sterilization of soils to combat pestsand diseases are restricted.


Organic fertilizer can be used in one of the following ways:

  1. manure from livestock (especially cattle manure for their special qualities), or in the form of composted manure ("bed")
  2. liquid manure or slurry , whenever possible and treated biostabilized
  3. composed of residues (including animal manure or not)
  4. compound slide, or recycled vegetable material itself on the field as green manure , mulch , etc.

The use of organic fertilizer materials purchased outside the farm (fertilizers commercial organic straw, chicken manure and pig , etc.) will be subject to the following conditions:

  1. The complementary application of organic fertilizers and natural minerals can only be used in that it is not adequate nutrition of plants or conditioning of soils
  2. The materials should be proven free of contamination by harmful wastes especially pesticides and heavy metals
  3. The amount of nitrogen led to a culture by the use of such fertilizers cannot be higher than that applied using compound manure (solid or liquid) manure or Green produced in property, some of which must always be present
  4. The application of animal manure is subject to a limit of 170 kg N / ha / year for perennial and annual crops).
  • Fertilizer -based human feces , urban waste or sewage is prohibited.
  • Manure from birds (poultry litter or manure pure) and pigs originated creationagroindustrial conventional (intensive management) located on the farm in certification orsourced from third-party areas may only be used if previouslycomposted or fermented via biofertilizer.
  • Manure from conventional creations is permitted provided it has not suffered applications of pesticides, or not composted.
  • The manure and purchased materials that are suspected of pesticide contamination should be fermented / composted and should be free pesticide residues and heavy metals
  • Use of additives in organic fertilizers is restricted to only the permitted substances
  • Use of synthetic growth regulators is prohibited.
  • Use of bacteria and fungi modified by genetic engineering or other GM products as fertilizer is prohibited.
  • Organic fertilizer (manure and debris, vegetables) and, as needed, may be used as mineral supplements (Rocks ground)
  • Mineral and synthetic means will not be allowed the use of natural minerals (rocksground, land, etc..) such as rock phosphate, limestone, basalt powder, gypsum, etc.
  • Synthetic compounds of nitrogen are excluded (as well as Chilean nitrate , urea etc) of any use.

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