Crop Production: Australia - ACO


  • Seeds and propagative material shall be sourced from plants grown in accordance with the provisions of this Standard.


  • At all times GE (GMO) materials, or materials derived from GE, are prohibited in organic production.
  • Ionising radiation as a post harvest practice is prohibited.

Pests, diseases and weeds shall be proactively managed by any combination of the following:

  • Appropriate selection of genetic stock
  • Biological control agents and the protection of predator habitats
  • Rotational and livestock grazing programs, companion planting and trap cropping
  • Biodynamic measures
  • Soil solarisation – where a proper rotation cannot take place. Permission to be obtained from the CO on a case by base basis prior to practice
  • Mechanical controls such as traps, barriers, light and sound
  • Moderate mechanical cultivation
  • Mulching and slashing
  • Flame and steam weeding
  • Mineral and biological balance within the soil


The following are prohibited for use in organic systems:

  • Chilean nitrate
  • All synthetic nitrogenous fertilisers including urea
  • Over the long term should not add more than 170kg of N per Hectare per Annum in the form of both manures and fertilizers.
  • Biosolids/Sewerage sludge arising from multi-source urban areas
  • Use of slurries on operations
  • Application of liquid nutrients shall at all times take into consideration potential for on or off farm contamination and run off.
  • Untreated grey water or waste waters

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