Crop Production: New Zealand - AsureQuality Ltd


  • Material of microbial, plant or animal origin shall form the basis of the fertility programme.
  • Appropriate microorganisms or plant-based preparations for compost activation may also be used.
  • Biodynamic preparations from stone meal, farmyard manure or plants may also be used.
  • Animal residues and manures from battery poultry systems must not be used.


Pests, diseases and weeds can be controlled by any one, or a combination, of the following measures:

  • Choice of appropriate species and varieties
  • Appropriate rotation programmes
  • Protection of natural enemies of pests through provision of favourable habitat
  • Diversified ecosystems
  • Flame weeding/steam weeding (mobile units only)
  • Natural enemies including release of predators and parasites
  • Biodynamic preparations from stone meal, farmyard manure or plants
  • Mulching and mowing
  • Grazing of animals
  • Biological control
  • Soil solarisation (plastic to be re-used and picked up once deteriorated)
  • Mechanical controls  such as traps, barriers, light and sound
  • Preventative methods, such as disruption and elimination of habitat and access to facilities by pest organisms
  • Pesticidal substances allowed for use, provided they are accepted for use in handling, storage, transportation or processing facilities by the competent authority and so that contact with organic products is prevented.
  • Good manufacturing practice
  • Rodenticides if in tamper-proof stations and in locations where there is no risk of product contamination


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