Crop Production: Sweden - KRAV


  • Organic propagation material must be use when possible.
  • Seeds from fields in conversion to KRAV-certified production can be considered as KRAV-certified seeds. The land as in conversion must be registered with the certification body before sowing the seed crop.
  • For annual plants, organic plants must be use.
  • Chemically treated seeds in KRAV-certified cultivation must not be used, but biologically treated seeds are permitted, as well as heat-treated seeds.
  • Seeds, plants or other propagation material cannot originate from genetically modified organisms.
  • KRAV-certified seeds must be used when cultivating sprouts.


  • When cultivating perennials, the risk of harmful insects, weeds and diseases attacking your crops must be minimized by having extensive biological diversity in and around the cultivation.
  • Other preventative measures are favoring and distributing natural enemies of plant pests (e.g. insects and arachnids (e.g. predaceous mites) to control pests as well as use of traps or capturing devices (EU).
  • Thermal weed control (heat) and electrical weed control (EU) can be used.
  • It is prohibited to sterilize soil thermally.
  • Plant protectants used in KRAV-certified production cannot contain genetically modified organisms (GMO). Further, they cannot be derived from genetically modified organisms or contain residues from such organisms.
  • The use of plant protectants cannot result in accumulation of heavy metals or other environmentally hazardous substances in the soil.

Permitted plant protectants:

  • Azadirachtin extracted from Azadirachta indica (Neem tree)
  • Beeswax
  • Gelatine
  • Hydrolysed proteins
  • Lecithin
  • Plant oils (e.g. mint oil, pine oil, Plant oils (e.g. mint oil, pine oil, caraway oil)
  • Pyrethrins extracted from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium
  • Quassia extracted from Quassia amara
  • Micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi)
  • Spinosad
  • Pheromones
  • iron (III) phosphate
  • Ethylene
  • Fatty acid potassium salt (soft soap)
  • Potassium aluminium (aluminium sulphate) (Kalinite)
  • Lime sulphur (calcium polysulphide)
  • Paraffin oil
  • Quartz sand
  • Sulphur
  • Calcium hydroxide (slaked lime)
  • Potassium bicarbonate

Prohibited plant protectants:

  • Pyrethrum
  • Rotenon extracted from Derris spp., Lonchocarppus spp. and Terphrosia spp
  • Diammonium Phosphate
  • Copper in the form of copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride, (tribasic) copper sulphate, cupric oxide and copper octanoate
  • Mineral oils
  • Potassium permanganate
  • Must not use pyrethrum extract with piperonyl butoxide


  • Fertilizers that are purchased for the farm or are otherwise brought in from an external source must not lead to the concentration of heavy metals or other environmentally hazardous substances or contaminants in the soil.
  • Fertilizers that are used in KRAV-certified production cannot contain genetically modified organisms (GMO). Further, they cannot be derived from genetically modified organisms or contain residues from such organisms.
  • Micronutrient fertilisers that contain nitrogen cannot be use.

Permitted organic fertilizers:

  • Farmyard manure
  • Composted or fermented sorted household waste
  • Peat
  • Mushroom culture waste
  • Dejecta of worms (vermicompost) and insects
  • Composted or fermented mixture of vegetable matter
  • Digestion residue from biogas production where prohibited farmyard manure is included

By-products of animal origin as below:

  • bone meal
  • gelatinized bone meal
  • bone charcoal
  • meat meal
  • blood meal
  • fish meal
  • horn meal
  • hoof meal
  • hair meal
  • wool, fur and hair
  • feather and chiquette meal
  • dairy products
  • products and by-products of plant origin
  • algae, seaweed and seaweed products

Permitted inorganic fertilizers:

  • soft ground rock phosphate
  • crude potassium salt, e.g. kainite
  • potassium sulphate and potassium-magnesium
  • vinnase
  • calcium carbonate, ground limestone, calcite, marl, calcareous sea algae (maerl), phosphate chalk
  • calcium and magnesium carbonate
  • magnesium sulphate (kieserite)
  • calcium chloride solution
  • gypsum (calcium sulphate)
  • lime from sugar production
  • industrial lime from vacuum salt production
  • elemental sulphur
  • sodium chloride (NaCl)
  • stone meal, e.g. silicon, basalt and granite meal, as well as clays
  • trace substances (micronutrient substances)

Prohibited inorganic fertilizers:

  • aluminium calcium phosphate
  • basic slag
  • artificial fertiliser (synthetic commercial fertiliser) nitrogen salts and solutions


The mushrooms must be cultivated in a substrate that only may contain:

  • Farmyard manure from organic production.
  • Farmyard manure from conventional production. However not more than 25 % of the total weight of the substrate before it is composted or before addition of water other products of agricultural origin from organic production
  • Peat which is not chemically treated.
  • Wood not chemically treated after felling.
  • Mineral products
  • Water
  • Soil

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