Crop Production: Switzerland - Biosuisse


  • Use of genetically modified seeds and transgenic plants is prohibited.
  • Use of hybrid seeds in cereal production (with the exception of maize) is no longer permitted.
  • It is mandatory for the planting material of vegetable and herb production as well as vegetative propagating material in top-fruit and soft-fruit plantations
    to be derived from Bud holdings.
  • The use of peat for the cultivation of planting material  should be as limited as possible.


  • The proper choice of variety, soil management for improved tilth, well-balanced fertilizer use, appropriate cultivation techniques (e.g. crop rotation, crop type, mixed cropping, sufficient space between plants, green manure) aim at preventing the incidence of pests and diseases.
  • For the direct control of pest organisms, mechanical and biotechnological methods are permitted.
  • Weed control is carried out through cultivation and mechanical methods.
  • The use of chemically-synthesized or genetically engineered crop protection products is prohibited.
  • Detectable residues of such products on the organic produce should not exist unless they originate from a general contamination of the environment.
  • Flame weeding is permitted.
  • Steam treatment of soils out of doors is prohibited.
  • The use of herbicides or growth regulators (straw shorteners, chemical fruit thinning, chemical soil disinfection or stem weakening agents etc.) and wilting agents is prohibited.

Permitted crop protection products:

  • Insect regulation with pheromones, such as the confusion technique
  • Repellents of plant or animal origin
  • Natural predators, eg parasitic wasps, predatory mites, nematodes and gall midges, in the field and in greenhouses
  • Naturally occurring microorganisms, such as Bacillus thuringiensis, granulosis virus, and fungi which are insect pathogens
  • Mechanical defensive measure, such as protective nets, slug-proof fences, adhesive plastic chromatic traps and sticky bands
  • Sulphur products, in low doses which allow predatory mites to survive, in orchards, vineyards, and vegetable growing
  • Inorganic copper products, for fruit, vegetable, potato and hop production and viticulture (maximum legally permitted application of 4 kg of pure copper per hectare and year), maximum permitted application of pure copper per hectare and year of treated surface
  • Pome fruit 1.5kg
  • Stone fruit 4kg
  • Soft fruit 2kg
  • Vegetables 4kg
  • Potatoes 4kg
  • Hops 4kg
  • Viticulture 4kg
  • Products based on soft soap
  • Plant extracts such as pyrethrum, rotenone, quassia, tobacco
  • Plant oils and mineral oils
  • Sulphur preparations


Permitted soil conditioners and fertilizers:

  • Fertilizers from on-farm production
  • Farmyard manure, fresh or aerobically rotted
  • Liquid manure/slurry after aerobic preparation (with agitation and aeration if possible)
  • Organic wastes and crop residues, aerobically composted
  • Organic mulch
  • Green manure
  • Straw
  • Household
  • Compost
  • Farmyard manure/liquid manure/slurry of animal origin from another holding, or organic waste in accordance with the instruction on “Nutrient Supply”
  • Products and by-products of the food processing industry (not containing chemical residues)
  • Sawdust and waste bark (without chemical treatments)
  • Rock dust, such as volcanic rock dust, quartz dust, basalt dust and powdered clays such as bentonite and others
  • Calcified seaweed
  • Slow-release liming products (dolomite, calcium carbonate, but not quicklime or slaked lime)
  • Rock phosphate, calcium magnesium phosphate, and basic slag (only if heavy metal content is low)
  • Silicate-rich rock dust containing potassium (feldspar, mica)
  • Sulphate of potash-magnesia, potassium sulphate (but only when soil analyses show up a potassium deficiency)
  • Plant-based products
  • Seaweed extracts
  • Bacterial products
  • Bio-dynamic preparation
  • Plant extracts and products such as infusions and teas
  • Seaweed extracts
  • Rock dust, bentonite and other clay minerals
  • Bio-dynamic preparations

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