Animal husbandry: Brazil - IBD

Artificial insemination is permitted.



  • The animal feed must be 100% organic.
  • All newborn mammals must be fed with mother's milk or milk substitute (horses and cattle until at least three months, sheep and goats until the least forty-five days and pigs until at least forty days)
  • At least 50% of the feed must be derived from the unit itself,or be produced in cooperation with other certified farms in the region.
  • The use of oil cakes, bran, cocoa or citrus pulp and similar will be permitted provided that it is sure of its origin (without contamination pesticide and solvent residue) and since there are transgenic.
  • Rations produced from animal waste (poultry litter, meat, flour blood, bone dust and other) will be totally excluded, with the exception of fish, crustaceans and products.
  • Use of conventional foods: conventional foods may only be provided for a limited period and relating to specific areas of producers individual in situations of non-availability of organic foods quantity or adequate quality due to reasons beyond the control of the product, as exceptional weather conditions, infectious diseases, contamination toxic substances, fires, floodsand the like,such authorization shall be granted for a period determined by the certifier
  • All food purchased shall be free of antibiotics , urea (or other componentssynthetic nitrogen) and other additives as growth promoters,  palatalizing synthetic preservatives , artificial colors, animal waste,manures , pure amino acids , GMO organisms (GMOs) and their products tochoice of the feed to be bought, worth the aforementioned careful in seeking a level of quality , consistent with the organic standard.
  • It is not allowed the use of ingredients derived from synthetic sources such as vitamin and micronutrient supplements.


  • The bulky for ruminants should correspond to 60% of the daily diet (expressed in dry matter). In the first three months for lactating cows this percentage could be 50%;
  • The offspring of ruminants in their early childhood (before the development of rumen) monogástricas are considered.
  • If it is proven the need forconventional foods
  • The final fattening phase of adult bovines for cutting can occur in the form of confinement, but this period should not exceed one-fifth of the animal's life should not is more than 3 months.


  • The products used for daily feeding of non-organic origin cannot exceed 15% dry matterconsumed in a year by the animal. Can be concentrate the provision of these non-organic foods in some periods, since never exceeds 25% of the days required. Will be allowed to purchase milk soybean cakes, crumbs, fats of natural origin,yeast, fish meal and flour bone uncontaminated
  • In the last six weeks before slaughter, the animal should not receive fishmeal

Animal husbandry: Australia - NASAA


  • Artificial insemination is prohibited.
  • Synthetic growth promotants are prohibited in all livestock production systems.
  • Stocking rates for livestock must be appropriate for the region, taking into consideration feed production capacity, health, nutrient balance, and environmental impact.
  • Land and animals may move from precertification to organic simultaneously subject to the requirements for all other land and animal conversion periods.
  • Certification of animals as organic will require that the relevant pasture and feed is also certified organic.
  • Animal mutilations are not permitted.
  • Electric prodders and other such instruments are not permitted.


  • Certification of animals as organic will require that the relevant pasture and feed is also certified organic.
  • The diet must comprise 100% organic feed, be balanced according to the needs of the animal, be sufficient and of good quality and include daily access to roughage in the case of ruminants.
  • Over 50% of the feed shall come from the farm unit itself, or be produced in cooperation with other certified farms in the region.
  • Only feeds from organic certified sources (pasture and concentrates) are permitted with the exception of up to 5% of the total feed intake permitted to include supplementary feed of non-agricultural source. Such feed must not include prohibited substances.
  • Feed supplements of non agricultural origin must be certified organic or biodynamic origin.Vitamins, trace elements and supplements shall be from natural origin.
  • Foliar feeding (nutrients should be applied or constituted within the growing medium) is restricted.
  • Meat meal, which is not sourced from certified organic animals, is permitted to be fed to fowl and pigs at rates of no more than 2% of total diet.
  • The use of certified organic meat meal which is sourced from certified, organic animals is permitted for use for non ruminants without restriction as long as there is no feeding of the same species.

Prohibited feed / substances added into feed:

  • Feeds containing offal, faeces, urine, urea, slaughter products, food industry by-products treated with solvents, same species materials or other prohibited substances  
  • Urea, blood and bone and concentrates from non-organic sources
  • The feeding of the same species. Ruminants may not be fed with animal products except milk products.
  • Synthetic growth promoters and stimulants
  • Synthetic appetizers
  • Synthetic antioxidants and preservatives, urea and other synthetic nitrogen compounds, feedstuffs subjected to solvent (eg hexane) extraction, amino acid isolates
  • Material from the same species/genus/family as the one being fed
  • Artificial coloring agents
  • Genetically engineered organisms or products thereof
  • Slaughter products of the same species
  • All types of excrement including droppings, dung or other manure.
  • Preservatives, except when used as a processing aid

The following feed substances may be used:

  • Bacteria, fungi and enzymes
  • By-products from the food industry (eg molasses)
  • Plant based products


  • The use of any veterinary drugs, including antibiotics, is not permitted. This Standard prohibits the addition of any antibiotics to feedstuff.
  • Growth promotants and antibiotics in feed or otherwise are prohibited in organic production.

Animal husbandry: Australia - ACO

Artificial insemination is not recommended but is not prohibited.


  • Artificial lighting for the purposes of supplying warmth for chick rearing is allowed.
  • All birds shall have access to pastured areas during the substantial majority of daylight hours.
  • Stocking and rotational management systems should be such as to maintain vegetation levels and to minimize parasite and disease problems.
  • Rotation of stocking areas should be such as to ensure resting of pastures after each batch of poultry.
  • As a guide, for egg production after each laying batch there should be 9 months of pasture resting.
  • For meat birds there should be 2 months resting of pasture per year and one in every three years stocking areas should be utilized other than for poultry production.


For Livestock

  • 100% shall come from certified organic sources and not in conversion feeds
  • For the EU market for In Conversion livestock, In Conversion feed stuffs may be fed up to a maximum of 60% of total diet based on the percentage of dry matter in the feed ration, where such feed is produced on the same farm unit or otherwise a maximum of 30% of the total diet based on the percentage of dry matter in the feed ration
  • Livestock operations should aim for feed self sufficiency within the region and the farming unit.
  • At least of 50% of feeds should be sourced from organic farming systems in the region of the certified farming unit.
  • For certified stock, up to 5% of the annual agricultural origin dry matter feed intake may be brought in as additional non-organic feed where unavailable in certified organic form and where products comply with other stipulations in the Standard (non GM, non contaminated).
  • The use of growth promotants, stimulants, appetizers and solvent extracted feeds are prohibited from use in certified feed rations.
  • Growth regulators and synthetic substances of any kind, including synthetic nitrogen compounds and urea, are prohibited.

For Ruminants

  • Animal by products, including meat, offal, manures and feathermeal are prohibited as feedstuffs.
  • For the EU market, at least 60% of the feed ration for ruminants must come from roughage, fresh or dried fodder or silage.


  • feeding of animal manures
  • use of synthetic nitrogen supplements, growth promotants and hormones
  • use of synthetic yolk colourant
  • Antibiotics, except under veterinary supervision and where it is required under State law, or where an outbreak is unmanageable by other means.
  • Such poultry treated shall not be sold as certified and shall be separated and clearly distinguished from certified stock throughout their entire lives.
  • Routine antibiotic use
  • Routine vaccination, unless required by law or where it can be verified that organic management practices cannot control regional or on-farm diseases.

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