Animal husbandry: Sweden - KRAV


  • Must be able to mate and give birth naturally.
  • Parallel production is prohibited. Not permitted even if the animals are at separate production sites within the same company.
  • Semen and genomic selection can be used.
  • Transfer of embryos are not permitted.
  • Synchronization of females coming into heat or to routinely evoke delivery with the help of artificial substances, hormone preparations is not permitted.
  • Genetically modified animals are prohibited.


  • Use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as feed or to produce feed, additives, binding agents or feed preservatives is not allowed.
  • Irradiation of raw materials or products are not allowed.
  • Preservatives, pesticides and synthetic or colouring agents identical to natural colorings must not be added to substances that come in contact with feed.
  • Filtering technology that leads to chemical changes at the molecular level is prohibited if the filtering equipment contains asbestos.
  • Making of additives must not be made with the help of GMOs or chemical solvents.

Only following production processes are allowed for feed processing:

  • Mechanical and physical processes, for example grinding
  • Biological processes, for example fermentation and leavening (for example use of lactic acid cultures and fungus cultures)
  • Enzyme processes that coagulate (for example rennet)
  • Split substances (for example the enzyme amylase)
  • Extraction with permitted solvents
  • Sedimentation


  • Can contain whey, skim milk and other residual products from KRAV-certified milk production.
  • Must not contain meat byproducts.
  • Raw materials from fish must originate from sustainable fishing.
  • Chemical solvents or additives of other chemical substances must not be use when producing or preparing feed.
  • The level of self-sufficiency must be at least 60%.


  • The level of self sufficiency must be at least 50%.
  • A maximum of 5 % conventional protein feed of agricultural origin is allowed to be given as feed until 31 December 2014.
  • Conventional fodder not of agricultural origin, e.g. fish meal, is allowed to be included in fodder rations. A maximum of 10% of this type of conventional fodder calculated from annual fodder intake can be used.


  • May be exempt from the self-sufficiency requirement of 50% and be allowed a lower level, though 20% at the lowest.
  • A maximum of 5 % conventional protein feed of agricultural origin is allowed to be given as feed until 31 December 2014.
  • Conventional fodder not of agricultural origin, e.g. fish meal, is allowed to be included in fodder rations. A maximum of 10% of this type of conventional fodder calculated from annual fodder intake can be used.

Permitted feed raw materials of animal origin:

  • Milk and dairy products from KRAV-certified production
  • Fish and other marine animals, products and by-products; only the following substances are included in this category: fish, non-refined fish oil or cod-liver oil; autolysates, hydrolysates and proteolysates from fish, molluscs or crustaceans that are obtained through an enzymatic process, in soluble or insoluble form
  • Egg and egg products for feeding poultry from KRAV-certified production

Permitted raw materials for minerals:

  • Unrefined sea salt, rock salt (unprocessed from the mine), sodium sulphate, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride
  • Potassium chloride
  • Marl, water animal shells (including octopus bones), calcium carbonate, calcium lactate and calcium gluconate
  • Defluorinated dicalcium phosphate, defluorinated monosodium phosphate, monocalcium phosphate, calcium-magnesium phosphate and calcium-sodium phosphate
  • Magnesium oxid (anhydrous magnesium), magnesium sulphate, magnesium chloride, magnesium carbonate and magnesium phosphate
  • Sodium sulphate

Permitted raw materials for trace elements:

  • Ferrous (II) carbonate, ferrous (II) sulphate (monohydrate and/or heptahydrate), ferric (III) oxide
  • Anhydrous calcium iodate, calcium iodate (hexahydrate) and sodium iodine
  • Cobaltous (II) sulphate (monohydrate or heptahydrate) and basic cobalt (II) carbonate (monohydrate)
  • Copper (II)o xide, basic copper (II) carbonate (monohydrate) and copper (II) sulfphate (pentahydrate)
  • Manganese (II) carbonate, manganese oxide and manganese (III) oxide and manganese (II) sulphate (mono and/or tetrahydrate)
  • Zinc carbonate, zinc oxide and zinc sulphate (monohydrate or heptahydrate)
  • Ammonium molybdate and sodium molybdate
  • Sodium selenate and sodium selenite

Approved vitamins:

  • Vitamins that originate from raw materials included in natural fodder
  • Synthetic vitamins that are identical to natural vitamins,
  • Synthetic vitamins A, D and E that are identical to natural vitamins, if natural vitamins are not available.

Permitted solvents

  • Water
  • Ethanol
  • Fats


  • Vaccination can be use.
  • Painkillers and anaesthetics can be use.
  • Drugs or chemical pest control substances must be use if there is an obvious need.

Animal husbandry: Switzerland - Biosuisse


  • Genetic manipulation and heat synchronization is prohibited.
  • Artificial insemination is permitted.
  • All other forms of artificial or otherwise influenced reproduction (e.g. embryo transfer, sperm-sexing, cloning) is prohibited.
  • Embryo transfer (ET) or cloning is not allowed.


  • Bought-in feeds serve only as supplements to the feed produced on the holding and, where possible, should be certified organic.

The following feeds may be bought in:

  • Bud feed
  • In-conversion Bud feed; the share of in-conversion feed must not exceed 30% of the ration of each specific individual livestock category
  • Feeds certified as Bud auxiliary inputs
  • Organic feeds in accordance with the Swiss Ordinance on Organic Farming and non-organic feeds.
  • Permitted non-organic feeds may, however, only be used on the farm as single components or as components of a certified livestock feed.
  • Bud milk powder may be fed as a supplement.
  • Feeding of milk powder substitute is not permitted.
  • Since 1 January 2004, at least 90% of dry matter consumed by ruminants must be supplied as fresh, dried, or ensiled roughage, calculated per livestock category. FOR LIVERY HORSES, non-organic feed components must not comprise more than 10% of total feed consumption.
  • FOR POULTRY, the fattening ration must contain at least 65% grains and grain legumes (or their products and by-products) and oilseeds (or their products and by-products).

Permitted feedstuff:

  • Ruminants must be fed 100% organic feed.
  • Roughage
  • Linseed
  • Dextrose
  • Molasses from sugar production
  • Fruit syrup
  • Potato protein
  • Maize gluten
  • Brewer’s yeast

Permitted non-organic feedstuffs

  • Potato protein
  • Maize gluten*
  • Roughage in accordance with Annex 3
  • Molasses from sugar production
  • Fruit syrup
  • Brewer’s yeast*
  • Dairy waste products for pigs

Prohibited feed/feeding methods:

  • Chemically-synthesized additives (urea, anti-microbial performance enhancers, enzymes, synthetic amino acids etc.)
  • Chemotherapeutic medication used prophylactically (sulphonamides and others), antibiotics, hormones, coccidiostats etc. The use of anthelmintics (wormers) in high risk areas is permitted (alpine pastures, set stocking systems);
  • Fattening methods involving force-feeding and the keeping and housing of animals in conditions that could lead to anaemia;
  • Catering wastes
  • Addition to ruminant feed of animal proteins, animal fats, protected fats and proteins, propylene glycol, propionic acid, and other substances and additives that are not suited to ruminant digestion

Animal husbandry: Thailand - ACT


  • The choice of breeds shall take into account their capacity to adapt to local conditions, vitality, and resistance to diseases.
  • Animals shall be reared organically from birth. When organic stock are not available due to the early stage of development of organic livestock, the operator is allowed to bring in stock from conventional production. Breeding stock from conventional production may be brought in to a yearly maximum of 10% of adult animals of the same species on the farm.
  • Organic livestock production shall use breeds that can reproduce under natural conditions.
  • Artificial insemination is permitted.
  • Embryo transfer and cloning is prohibited.
  • Use of hormones to induce ovulation and birth is not permitted except when applied to individual animals for medical reasons and under veterinary supervision.


  • Young stock of mammals shall be provided with maternal milk or organic milk from their own species
  • In-conversion feed produced and given to livestock on the farm itself shall be calculated as part of organic diet, but cannot be sold as organic feed.
  • FOR RUMINANTS, roughage shall constitute at least 60% of their daily diet on a dry matter basis.
  • The operator may use milk from conventional production when organic milk is not available. Milk substitutes or others may be given only in case of emergency provided that they do not contain antibiotics, synthetic additives or slaughter products from the same species.
  • The animals may be given vitamins, trace elements and supplements from natural sources. Synthetic vitamins, minerals and supplements may be used only when those from natural sources are not available in sufficient quantity and quality.
  • Fodder and silage additives such as bacteria, fungi, and by-products of food industry (e.g. molasses) may be used. Synthetic chemical fodder preservatives such as acetic, formic and propionic acids; vitamins; and minerals are permitted in severe weather conditions.
  • Feed, feed ingredients, additives and processing aids used in all animal feed shall not be derived from genetic engineering.

Prohibited animal substances in the feed:

  • Slaughter products of the same species
  • Farm animal by-products (e.g. abattoir waste) in feed for ruminants
  • All types of excrements
  • Feed materials produced by extraction with solvents (e.g. hexane) or by adding other chemical agents
  • Amino-acid isolates
  • Urea and other synthetic nitrogen compound
  • Synthetic growth promoters or stimulants
  • Synthetic appetite enhancer
  • Preservatives except when used as a processing aid
  • Artificial colorants


  • All synthetic chemical inputs including veterinary medicines and synthetic hormones are prohibited.
  • Use of veterinary medicines is prohibited.
  • Use of synthetic substances to stimulate production or suppress natural growth is prohibited.
  • Vaccination may be used in areas where risks of disease outbreaks are present, provided that they not genetically engineered.

Animal husbandry: New Zealand - Asure Quality


  • Use of certain substances to stimulate growth or modify their breeding cycles not allowed.
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and products derived must not be used.
  • Breeds or strains taking into account the capacity of animals to adapt to local conditions, their vitality, and their resistance to disease.
  • Non-organic animals brought in under derogation for breeding purposes may not be sold as organic.
  • Conventional animals brought in for breeding purposes may not be sold as organic.


  • Use or negligent introduction of genetically engineered organisms or their derivatives (include animals, seed, propagation material, and farm inputs such as fertilisers, soil conditioners, vaccines or crop protection materials) is prohibited.
  • Force-feeding is forbidden.
  • Feeds obtained by Hexane extraction is not permitted.
  • Livestock must be fed with 100% organically produced feeding stuffs (unless mono-gastric), preferably using feed from the unit.
  • At least more than 60% of the feed shall come from the farm unit itself or be produced in co-operation with other organic farms in the region.
  • The feeding of young mammals must be based on natural milk, provided by maternal milk or organic milk from their own species.

In order to satisfy nutritional requirements of  livestock, only the following types of products can be used for animal feeding:

  • Feed materials from mineral origin   
  • Trace elements   
  • Vitamins, pro-vitamins and chemically well-defined substances having a similar effect

The following ingredients must not be used in feeds:

  • Sawdust   
  • Synthetic colouring agents   
  • Urea   


  • Use of chemically-synthesised allopathic medicinal products is not permitted.
  • Use of chemically synthesised allopathic veterinary medicinal products or antibiotics must not be use in the absence of illness.
  • Use of substances to promote growth or production (including antibiotics, coccidiostatics and other artificial aids for growth promotion purposes) must not be use.
  • Use of hormones or similar substances to control reproduction (e.g. induction or synchronisation of oestrus) or for other purposes is prohibited.
  • Use of organo-chlorines or organo-phosphates for treating livestock external parasites is prohibited.
  • Use of antibiotics on a whole herd or flock to prevent disease may not be used.
  • Use of fluoroquinolone antibiotics must not be used except with permission from AsureQuality and only to treat individual animals.
  • Use of hormones must not be used for synchronizing heat, stimulating production, promoting growth.
  • Use of vaccines may be used if there is a known disease risk in the specific region of the farm, the disease cannot be controlled by other management techniques, the simplest form available, and GMO-free,


Animal husbandry: New Zealand - BioGro


  • Breeds selected should be those which suit free ranging and other organic production and will mature satisfactorily without the use of prohibited feed ingredients and/or practices.
  • Female breeding stock must ideally be bred on the farm or obtained from certified sources.
  • If certified breeding stocks are not available then a maximum of 10% of uncertified adult female breeding stock of the same species may be able to be brought in during any twelve month period.
  • Artificial insemination is allowed provided that the livestock is non-GMO and not cloned, and the semen preparations doesn’t contain any ingredients which are GMOs or are the product of GM/GE
  • Embryo transfer and/or reproductive manipulations are prohibited.
  • Artificial synchronization and induction are prohibited unless applied to individual animals for veterinary reasons.
  • Cloning is prohibited.
  • Genetic engineered breeds and livestock, and the progeny of genetically engineered breeds and livestock are prohibited.
  • Animals must be raised organically from birth.    


  • Young mammalian livestock must receive maternal first milk (ie containing colustrum) or certified first milk from their own species for at least 3 days after birth.
  • Silage preservatives are permitted, ie bacteria and enzyme additives, molasses and salt.
  • At least 50% of the livestock feed, including grazing and foraging and stored feeds, must be produced on the farm or in cooperation with other BioGro certified farms in the region.
  • Stored feeds from uncertified sources are not permitted.
  • Non-organic feed must be less than 5% dry matter for ruminant and less than 15% dry matter for non-ruminant calculated on an annual basis.
  • Feed purchased from uncertified sources must not contain prohibited substances or genetically modified organisms or their derivatives.
  • Supplements and vitamins BioGro certified/approved are allowed.
  • If meat meal is used in the feed, the livestock products cannot be exported as organic to US and EU.
  • At least 65% of the feed used in the fattening stage must contain cereals.

Permitted compound feeds:

  • Grains
  • Pulses
  • Other plant products
  • Plant extracts
  • Milk and milk products
  • Fish by products such as fishmeal with no added synthetic anti-oxidants or prohibited additives
  • Natural forms of vitamins and minerals

Prohibited products to be added into feed:

  • Artificial colouring agents
  • All types of excrements including droppings, dung or other manure
  • Farm animal by-products and abattoir waste products such as meat meal, bone meal, and blood products to ruminants
  • Feed such as soy and rape seed meal that has been subjected to solvent extraction, eg hexane or the addition of other chemical agents
  • Genetically engineered organisms or products thereof
  • Preservatives
  • Pure amino acids
  • Synthetic appetizers
  • Synthetic growth promoters or stimulants
  • Urea and other synthetic nitrogen compounds


  • Herbal, naturopathic and homeopathic therapies and remedies are allowed.
  • Routine or scheduled vaccination is prohibited.
  • The level of parasitic worm inoculums present in pastures must be reduced or eliminated by cropping, cross grazing, rotations or browsing fodder.
  • Natural purgatives and homeopathic remedies are permitted.
  • Natural remedies are allowed.
  • Zinc sulphate or copper sulphate treatment is permitted.
  • Oral rehydration with glucose electrolyte solution is permitted.
  • Homeopathic, naturopathic, chalk and fine clay remedies are permitted.
  • Drying off mildly infected quarters is permitted.
  • Vegetable oils, fish oils and natural sodium bicarbonate may be used where needed.

Prohibited substances:

  • Antibiotics
  • Coccidiostats and other artificial aids for growth promotion purposes
  • Hormones or similar substances to control reproduction eg induction or synchronization of oestrus, or for other purposes.
  • Production stimulants, suppressants and growth promoters

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