Animal husbandry: Japan - JAS


Only the uses of materials described as below are permitted:

  • Organic agricultural feed
  • Agricultural and livestock products other than milK
  • Agricultural and livestock products with the same categories of organic agricultural products, organic milk, organic feeds and organic agricultural feeds used for ingredients
  • Agricultural, livestock and fishery processed foods, and marine products (except for ionizing radiated foods and those produced by the recombinant DNA technology).
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Limestone, shellfish fossils, shells, doromite, phosphate rock, and diatomaceous earth
  • Feed additives (except for those produced by using antibiotic and recombinant DNA technology), which are natural substances, or those derived from natural substances without chemically treated.


  • The organic agricultural products, organic processed foods, organic milk and organic feeds used for ingredients shall be controlled not to be mixed with other agricultural and livestock products or processed foods.
  • Only physical method or method using biological function shall be used for the disease and pest control.
  • Ionizing radiation shall not be applied.


Animal Husbandry: Italy - CCPB

  • Farming companies are permitted to keep animals not reared according to the organic method, provided they are reared in different units provided with buildings and land parcels that are completely separate from the production units that comply with the organic production standards, and provided the two sets of animals are of different species.
  • Animals not reared according to the organic method may use organic pasture for a maximum period of one year, and that organically reared animals do use the same pasture at the same time.
  • Animals reared according to the organic method may use a common pasture area, or areas owned by public authorities; (a) area has not been treated with products not approved for organic production for at least three years, (b) any animals not organically reared and that use the pasture in question originate from an agricultural system, (c) animal products obtained from animals reared according to the organic method, during the period they are using the common pasture, are not considered organic unless it can be demonstrated that the organically reared animals have been completely separated from other non-organically reared animals.
  • Castration is permitted. During the transitional period that ends on 31 December 2011, piglets may be castrated without anaesthetic and/or analgesics.
  • Electrical stimulation to force the animals during operations involving loading and unloading animals shall not be use of any kind in any way
  • Use of allopathic tranquilisers is prohibited.



  • Feed is intended to ensure quality production rather than maximizing production, while meeting the nutritional and behavioural requirements of the livestock at various stages of their development.
  • Fattening practices are authorized in so far as they are reversible at any stage of the rearing process.
  • Force-feeding is forbidden.
  • Livestock must be fed on organically produced feedstuffs of good quality. The ration shall be calculated in dry matter (SS).
  • All young mammals are fed on mother’s milk in preference to natural milk, for a minimum period of 3 months for bovine species (including the species of Bubalus e Bison) and equine species, 45 days for ovine and caprine species and 40 days for porcine species.


  • Feed must be honey, organic sugar syrup or organic sugar.


  • Use of allopathic medicines obtained by chemical synthesis / use of antibiotics for preventative purposes is prohibited.
  • Use of substances for stimulating growth or production (including antibiotics, coccidiostats and other artificial growth stimulants) in addition to the use of hormones or similar substances for controlling reproduction or for other purposes (eg. to induce or synchroniseoestrus) is prohibited.

Animal Husbandry: India - India Organic

The following products shall not be included nor added to the feed given to farm animals (organic and conventional feedstuff):

  • Synthetic growth promoters or stimulants
  • Synthetic appetizers
  • Preservatives, except when used as a processing aid
  • Artificial colouring agents
  • Urea
  • Farm animal by-products (e.g. abattoir waste) to ruminants
  • Droppings, dung or other manure (all types of excreata) even if
  • technologically processed
  • Feed subjected to solvent (e.g. hexane), extraction (soya and rape seed meal)
  • or the addition of other chemical agents
  • Pure amino acids
  • Genetically engineered organisms or products thereof

Animal husbandry: EU - EU leaf

  • The products of hunting and fishing of wild animals shall not be considered as organic production.
  • The application of animal husbandry practices, which enhance the immune system and strengthen the natural defence against diseases, in particular including regular exercise and access to open air areas and pastureland where appropriate.
  • Organic livestock shall be kept separate from other livestock. However, grazing of common land by organic animals and of organic land by non-organic animals is permitted under certain restrictive conditions.
  • Tethering or isolation of livestock shall be prohibited, unless for individual animals for a limited period of time, and in so far as this is justified for safety, welfare or veterinary reasons.
  • Any suffering, including mutilation, shall be kept to a minimum during the entire life of the animal, including at the time of the slaughter.


  • Primarily obtaining feed for livestock from the holding where the animals are kept or from other organic holdings in the same region.
  • Livestock shall be fed with organic feed that meets the animal’s nutritional requirements at the various stages of its development. A part of the ration may contain feed from holdings which are in conversion to organic farming.
  • Non organic feed materials from plant origin, feed materials from animal and mineral origin, feed additives, certain products used in animal nutrition and processing aids shall be used only if they have been authorized for use in organic production under the legislation.
  • Growth promoters and synthetic amino-acids shall not be used.

For Fish and Crustaceans:
Animals shall be fed with feed that meets the animal’s nutritional requirements at the various stages of its development.

  • The plant fraction of feed shall originate from organic production and the feed fraction derived from aquatic animals shall originate from sustainable exploitation of fisheries.
  • In the case of non-organic feed materials from plant origin, feed materials from animal and mineral origin, feed additives, certain products used in animal nutrition and processing aids shall be used only if they have been authorized for use in organic production.
  • Growth promoters and synthetic amino-acids shall not be used.

With regard to bivalve mollusks and other species which are not fed by man but feed on natural plankton:

  • Such filter-feeding animals shall receive all their nutritional requirements from nature except in the case of juveniles reared in hatcheries and nurseries.
  • They shall be grown in waters which meet the criteria for Class A or Class B areas as defined in the Regulation.
  • Meat meal, blood meal and bone meal is allowed.
  • Artificial insemination is allowed.

Animal husbandry: Canada - COR


  • Be born or hatched on production units conforming to this standard
  • Have been the offspring of parents raised under the conditions specified in this standard

Be raised under this system throughout their life except as follows:-

  • Poultry used for edible poultry products shall have been from poultry that have been under continuous organic management, beginning no later that the second day of life
  • Birds shall not have been given medication other than antibiotic-free vaccines.
  • Animals used for milk production shall have been under continuous organic management, for at least one year before the milk can be sold, labeled or represented as organic.
  • Animals used for meat shall have been under continuous organic management, from the beginning of the last third of the gestation period (of the dam).

Animals purchased for breeding shall be from organic enterprises.

All livestock or edible livestock products that are removed from an organic enterprise and subsequently managed on a non-organic enterprise shall not be sold, labeled, or marketed as organically produced.

Artificial insemination is permitted.



  • The operator shall provide livestock with an organic feed ration balanced to meet their nutritional requirements.
  • During an emergency (such as unforeseen severe events or extreme climatic conditions), an exception to this specification may be allowed so that the livestock are provided a balanced diet.
  • The maximum percentage of allowable non-organic feed and any conditions relating to this exception shall be set by the certification body.

The operator of an organic operation shall not provide organic livestock with:

  • Feed and feed additives, including amino acids and feed supplements that contain substances not in accordance with the standard.
  • Feed medications or veterinary drugs, including hormones and prophylactic antibiotics, to promote growth
  • Approved feed supplements or additives used in amounts above those required for adequate nutrition and health maintenance for the species at its specific stage of life
  • Feeds chemically extracted or defatted with prohibited substances
  • Mammalian or avian slaughter by-products
  • Synthetic preservation and coloring agents
  • Silage preservation products
  • Synthetic appetite-enhancers or synthetic flavor-enhancers
  • Feed formulas containing manure or other animal waste

The operator shall not use reproductive hormones to trigger and synchronize estrus.

The operator of an organic livestock operation shall not administer:-

  • Veterinary drugs, other than vaccinations, in the absence of illness, with the exception of anaesthetics used in permitted surgical procedures
  • Synthetic compounds to stimulate or retard growth or production, including hormones for growth promotion
  • Synthetic parasiticides to meat animals
  • Veterinary drugs in violation of regulations
  • Antibiotics to meat animals

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