Aquaculture: Italy - CCPB

Harvesting of wild algae and parts of these growing naturally in the sea is considered an organic production method if the following conditions are met:

  • Growing areas are of high ecological quality
  • Such harvesting must not cause long-term damage to the natural habitat or threaten protection of species in the harvest area

Cultivation of marine algae must be practiced in coastal areas with health and environmental features in order to be considered organic with the following:

  • Sustainability practices must be implemented in all stages in the production and harvesting processes of young marine algae
  • Cultivation of young marine algae in a natural state must be practices at regular periods in order to supplement domestic crops
  • No fertilizers may be used



  • Organic aquaculture is based on rearing of young stock originating from organic breeders or organic companies
  • When above is not available, non-organically produced young animals may be introduced into a company under certain conditions
  • Locally reared species are used.
  • Use of hormones and hormone derivatives is prohibited. 


  • Artificial induction in polyploidy animals, artificial hybridization, cloning and the production of mono-sexual stock are prohibited, with the exception of manual selection
  • Appropriate stock types are chosen
  • Specific conditions have been established to suit the species for managing breeding stock, for breeding and the production of seed


  • Feed ration must include at least 60% of organically produced vegetable products

Health animal and medical treatment

  • Diseases are to be treated immediately to avoid the animal’s suffering, chemically synthesized allopathic veterinary medicines, including antibiotics may be used in cases of necessity and strict conditions
  • Veterinary medicine with an immunological action is permitted.
  • Treatments associated with the care of human and animal life and imposed under EU Law are permitted.

Aquaculture: EU - EU leaf

Organic aquaculture shall be based on the rearing of young stock originating from organic broodstock and organic holdings.

When young stock from organic broodstock or holdings are not available, non-organically produced animals may be brought onto a holding under specific conditions.

Aquaculture: Brazil - IBD


The harvesting of wild seaweeds and parts thereof, growing naturally in the sea is considered an organic production method provided that:

  1. the growing areas are located in waters at high ecological status and are not unsuitable from the point of view of health 
  2. the collection does not affect the long term stability of the natural habitat or the conservation of the species in the collection area 

To be considered organic, seaweed culture should be performed in coastal areas with environmental and health characteristics at least equivalent to the following:

  1. sustainable practices shall be used at all stages of production, from collection of juvenile seaweed to harvesting algae adult
  2. to ensure the maintenance of a large genetic diversity, should perform regular collection of juvenile seaweed in nature to complement populations
  3. not be used fertilizers , except in indoor facilities and have been authorized for use in organic production for this purpose
  • Artificial induction of polyploidy artificial hybridisation, nor cloning and production of strains monosex cannot be used.
  • The use of hormones and hormone derivatives is prohibited.


  • Up to 20% of the total average amount of feeding stuffs fed to livestock may originate from the grazing or harvesting of permanent pastures or forage parcels sown in accordance with an organic management on lands in their first year of conversion
  • The food may comprise a maximum of 60 % of organic vegetable products.
  • Astaxanthin derived primarily from organic sources, such as organic crustacean shells may be used in food for salmon and trout within the limits of their physiological needs
  • Growth promoters and synthetic amino acids can not be used.


  • Allopathic veterinary medicinal chemical synthesis, including antibiotics, if necessary and under strict conditions, can be used when the use of phytotherapeutic , homeopathic and other products is inappropriate
  • It is permitted the use of immunological veterinary medicinal products
  • The use of allopathic treatments is limited to two treatments per year, with the exception of vaccinations and compulsory eradication schemes

Aquaculture: Australia - NASAA


  • Where available, brought-in aquatic organisms shall come from organic sources.
  • Where not available from organic sources, fish from a conventional hatchery may be used for a period until January 2010 when this policy will be reviewed.
  • Artificially polyploid organisms and genetically engineered species or breeds, are prohibited.


  • Aquaculture feeds shall contain 100% certified organic components, or waste products only of aquatic origin.
  • Where certified organic components or waste products are not available feed of conventional origin up to a maximum of 5% (by dry weight) including commercial fishmeal may be used.  
  • Mineral and vitamin supplements are permitted if they are supplied in their natural form.
  • Feed comprised of by-catch shall not be used.

Prohibited feed / substances:

  • Synthetic growth promoters and stimulants
  • Synthetic appetisers
  • Synthetic antioxidants and preservatives, urea and other synthetic nitrogen compounds, feedstuffs subjected to solvent (eg. hexane) extraction, amino acid isolates
  • Material from the same species/genus/family as the one being fed
  • Artificial colouring agents
  • Genetically engineered organisms or products thereof
  • Slaughter products of the same species
  • All types of excrement including droppings, dung or other manure
  • Preservatives, except when used as a processing aid.

Permitted feed preservatives:

  • Bacteria, fungi and enzymes
  • By-products from the food industry (eg. molasses)
  • Plant based products
  • Synthetic chemical feed preservatives are permitted in response to severe weather conditions.  


Operators shall comply with all the relevant requirements:

  • In the event of the use of non-permitted veterinary drugs, the organism, or generation of organisms treated will lose certification and conversion of the operation or specific enclosure may be required to begin once again.
  • The prophylactic use of veterinary drugs, except vaccinations, is prohibited.
  • Vaccinations are permitted if diseases that cannot be controlled by other management techniques are known to exist in the region. Vaccinations are also permitted if they are legislated.  
  • Genetically engineered vaccines are prohibited.
  • Synthetic hormones and growth promoters are prohibited.
  • Aquatic animals shall not be subject to any kind of mutilation.
  • The use of chemical allopathic veterinary drugs and antibiotics is prohibited for invertebrates.

Aquaculture: Australia - ACO

  • Water sources shall be verified to have minimal to no significant risk from contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, biocontaminants and hormone disrupting chemicals.
  • Fish shall be raised under organic principles from fingerling stage, and shall be traceable by batch at least from introduction to harvesting.


  • based on the natural diet of the species to be certified
  • feed of agricultural origin shall be from sources produced and certified
  • a minimum of 50% of the total diet shall be comprised from by-products of wild fish or marine organisms caught for human consumption

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