Food Processing: Thailand - ACT

  • Shall be organically certified products.
  • In case organic raw materials are insufficient, raw materials are allowed to be used from conventional sources as ingredients.
  • In each processed product, the same kind of raw materials cannot be a mixture of both organic and conventional produce.
  • Raw materials from conventional sources, additives, processing aids, microorganisms and enzymes used in processing shall not be GMOs.
  • Microorganisms and enzymes used in processing shall be cultured or prepared preferably from organic materials.
  • Use of ethylene as ripening agent is allowed.
  • Use of aluminium containers for alkali food processing is not allowed.

Finished organic product which all ingredients are not organic produce may be certified when  proportion of organic ingredients as follow:

  • Organic produce shall be not be less than 95% by weight, excluding water and salt and other allowed ingredients of not more than 5%
  • Organic produce shall not be less than 70% by weight, excluding water and salt and other allowed ingredients of not more than 30%
  • Use of additives and processing aids should be as little as possible

The following substances are not allowed for food processing:

  • Saccharin
  • Borax
  • Mono sodium glutamate
  • Synthetic anti-oxidants
  • Synthetic preservative
  • Synthetic flavor
  • Bleaching agents (sulfur dioxide)
  • Vitamins and minerals shall not be used in organic processing

Permitted processes:

  • Physical processes such as milling, pressing (liquid extraction), oil extraction
  • Biological processes such as fermentation but must not used GMOs
  • Wind drying and sun drying, drying by heat, frying, stir frying, evaporation, smoking
  • Extraction, only by water, ethanol, animal and plant oil, vinegar, carbon dioxide, nitrogen
  • Precipitation
  • Filtration, allowed only those that have no chemically reacted or modify food on a molecular basis. Filtration substances shall not be made of asbestos nor substances which may negatively affect the product.
  • Distillation 

Prohibited processes:

  • Microwaving and ionizing radiation of raw materials, ingredients and additives
  • Radiation of organic produce and products

If the same processing equipment, machine, and area is used for conventional product and organic product, the operator shall:

  • Not process conventional and organic products at the same time
  • After processing conventional products, clean the areas, containers, equipment and machines with cleaning agents and rinse with water or allow time for them to evaporate.
  • The operator shall check and make sure that no residue is left before starting the processing of organic products. Cleaning records shall be kept for inspection by ACT.


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