Food Processing: India - India Organic

  • Organic products shall be protected from co-mingling with non-organic products.
  • Organic and non-organic products shall not be stored and transported together except when labelled or physically separated.
  • Ethylene gas is permitted for ripening.

Besides storage at ambient temperature, the following special conditions of  storage are permitted

  • Controlled atmosphere
  • Cooling
  • Freezing
  • Drying
  • Humidity regulation


  • In cases where an ingredient of organic agriculture origin is not available in sufficient quality or quantity, the certification programme may authorise use of non organic raw materials subject to periodic re-evaluation. Such non-organic raw material shall not be genetically engineered.
  • The same ingredient within one product shall not be derived both from an organic and non-organic origin.
  • Water and salt may be used in organic products.
  • Minerals (including trace elements), vitamins and similar isolated ingredients shall not be used.
  • Preparations of micro-organisms and enzymes commonly used in food processing may be used, with the exception of genetically engineered micro-organisms and their products.
  • The use of additives and processing aids shall be restricted.

The following kinds of processes are approved :

  • Mechanical and physical
  • Biological
  • Smoking
  • Extraction
  • Precipitation
  • Filtration
  • Extraction shall only take place with water, ethanol, plant and animal oils, vinegar, carbon dioxide, nitrogen or carboxylic acids. These shall be of food grade quality, appropriate for the purpose.
  • Irradiation is not allowed.
  • Filtration substances shall not be made of asbestos nor may they be permeated with substances which may negatively affect the product.

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