Labels: Sweden - KRAV


  • The product contains at least 95% organic raw materials of agricultural origin.

“contains KRAV-certified XX” / ”XX is from KRAV-certified production”

  • KRAV-certified ingredients and the % by weight must be clearly presented.

Can only show in the list of ingredients which ingredients are KRAV-certified

  • Product contains less than 95% EU-organic and KRAV-certified ingredients.

"GMO-free" or equivalent

  •  Cannot be used when labeling or marketing KRAV-certified products.

Labeling Regulations in the European Council Regulations on Organic Production:

"EU agriculture"

  • The agricultural raw material has been produced within the EU.

"non-EU agriculture"

  • The agricultural raw material has been produced in countries outside the EU.

"EU/non-EU agriculture"

  • The agricultural raw materials have been produced within the EU and part in a country outside the EU.
  •  "EU" or "non-EU" can be replaced with a specific country when all the agricultural raw materials that the product is composed of have been produced in that country.

The certification body must be specified by one of the following methods:

  • For products that are produced, packed or labeled in Sweden with the basic label, the code of the certification body must be given.
  • For products that are manufactured, packed or labeled outside Sweden and are labeled with the basic label, the code of the certification body that certified the last manufacturing step as well as the name of the KRAV certification body must be given.
  • The name of the certification body must be given for products from production certified according to the standard.

What is of KRAV organic origin and what is of EU organic origin must be indicated in the list ingredients.

Labels: Switzerland - Biosuisse

Swiss Organic Products
  • Products that contain a minimum of 90% Swiss-grown raw materials
  • Bud label is supplemented with the words “BIO SUISSE”
(Partially) imported products
  • Products containing less than
  • 90% Swiss-grown raw materials
  • Bud label is supplemented with the word “BIO”
Bud Declaration label (in German: “Deklarations-Knospe”)
  • Bud label must be indicated without the words “BIO” and “SUISSE” in the list of ingredients or in the indication of raw materials used in non-food products
Bud in-conversion label (in German: “Umstellungs-Knospe”)
  • All conversion products must bear the declaration “Product under conversion to organic farming”
  • The word “BIO” must not be used

Labels: Thailand - Organic Agriculture Certification Thailand (ACT)

“organic product” with ACT seal

  • A product with at least 95% of its agricultural ingredients as organic.
  • Unprocessed products in which all the ingredients in containers, packages, sacks, etc. is certified by ACT

“GM free product”

  • Not allowed even with ACT seal.

ACT seal can be used:

  • Processed products containing at least 95% (by weight and excluding water and salt) of their agricultural ingredients as organic.
  • Processed products containing at least 70% (by weight and excluding water and salt) of their agricultural ingredients as organic.

Claims of product from organic raw materials which includes the percentage of organic ingredients, e.g. “82% organic materials”

  • Products with at least 70% of its agricultural ingredients as organic

Produce and products that are certified and approved by ACT but cannot be labeled with ACT seal are:

  • In-conversion products
  • Products with less than 70% of their agricultural ingredients as organic excluding water and salt.

In case of product certified under the ACT-EU equivalent programme:

  • The product can be labeled “in conversion” only if it has been certified with not less than 12 months.
  • Product labeling shall following the relevant EU regulations.
  • The operator must add the following information on the label, operator address and ACT's name and/or EU code.
  • When the operator receives organic products transported from outside its unit, the operator shall check the package labeling that it complies with the standards as well as verify the information corresponds with information in the accompanying documents. Record of this verification shall be kept for inspector to check.

 The labels shall have the names of ACT certified producers or operators and contacting addresses.

For multiple-ingredient processed products, the labels shall list the ingredients and their percentages of weight from more to less and identify those which are organic.

Only producers and operators who have signed contracts on seal use with ACT are allowed to use the phrase “organic product” and ACT seal in the labels.

Labels: New Zealand - BioGro

"certified organic”, “organic”, “organically grown”, “organically produced” and may use BioGro trademark/logo

  • 100% of the ingredients of agricultural origin must be BioGro certified organic           

“Product under    conversion to organic farming certified byBioGro”

  • BioGro conversion products must contain only one ingredient of agricultural origin.
  • That ingredient must have a status of at least BioGro conversion.
  • That ingredient must constitute at least 95% of the product.
  • The remaining 5% may in cases where BioGro certified ingredients are not available, contain non-Biogro certified or conventional ingredients.

Indication that ingredients of the product have been produced organically maybe made in the list of ingredients

  • Products with 70–95% BioGro certified or conversion ingredients
  • Products with less than 70% BioGro certified or conversion ingredients
  • Separate statement such as “x% of the agricultural ingredients were produced in accordance with the rules of organic production” may be set.


Labels: Japan - Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS)


To attach one of the following labels.

  • “有機○○” or “○○(有機)” (which means organic ○○ or ○○ (organic) in Japanese.)
  • “オーガニック○○” or “○○(オーガニック)” (which means organic ○○ or ○○ (organic) in Japanese.)

(Note) The generic name of the processed food shall be filled out in ○○. However, when generic names of organic processed foods of plant and animal origin described in ○○ is the same as the general name of organic processed foods of plant origin, the description which clarifies those foods are "not organic processed foods of plant origin” shall be given adjacent to the name or commodity name. 


  • For organic plants (except for organic plants harvested in fields under the conversion period), organic processed foods (except for those in which organic plants harvested in fields under the conversion period are used as ingredients) or organic  livestock products,

“under the conversion period”

  • If organic plants harvested in the field under the conversion period are used, manufactured or processed as ingredients


Names of organic plants shall be labeled by methods as follows.

  • “有機農産物”  (which means organic plant in Japanese.)
  • “有機栽培農産物” (which means organically grown plant in Japanese.)
  • “有機農産物○○” or “○○(有機農産物)” (which means organic plant ○○ or ○○ (organic plant).)
  • “有機栽培農産物○○” or “○○(有機栽培農産物)” (which means organically grown plant ○○ or ○○ (organically grown plant) in Japanese.)
  • “有機栽培○○” or  “○○(有機栽培)” (which means organic farming ○○ or ○○ (organic farming) in Japanese.)
  • “有機○○” or “○○(有機)” (which means organic ○○ or ○○(organic) in Japanese.)
  • “オーガニック○○” or “○○(オーガニック)” (which means organic ○○ or ○○(organic) in Japanese.)

(Notes)  General names of plants shall be filled in “○○.”

Notwithstanding the previous provision, as for products produced in fields under the conversion period, the description “under the conversion period” shall appear adjacent to the name or commodity name.


Names of the organic livestock products shall be labeled according to any of the following examples:

  • “有機畜産物” (which means organic livestock product in Japanese);
  • “有機畜産物〇〇” or “〇〇 (有機畜産物)” (which means organic livestock product 〇〇 or 〇〇 (organic livestock product) in Japanese);
  • “有機畜産〇〇” or “〇〇 (有機畜産)” (which means organic livestock 〇〇 or 〇〇 (organic livestock) in Japanese);
  • “ 有機〇〇” or “ 〇〇 (有機)” (which means organic 〇〇 or 〇〇 (organic) in Japanese); or
  • “オーガニック〇〇” or “〇〇 (オーガニック)” (which means organic 〇〇 or 〇〇 (organic) in Japanese.)

Note: The general name of the livestock product shall be filled out in “〇〇”.

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