Labels: Brazil - IBD Organic Seal

"organic" term / "IBD CERTIFICATIONS Organic" seal

  • Products with between 70% and 50% organic raw material cannot be printed on their packaging with this term or the seal.
  • The seal is only applicable for Products that contain at least 95 % of ingredients of agricultural origin certified organic.
  • But "certified organic product IBD " may be displayed together with certified ingredients .

"made with organic ingredients "

  • May be printed on products with 95 % and 70% organic raw materials

Organic foods cannot be labeled as GM-free.

Labeling for organic production can be used with the following requirements:

  • In the main label or product name ( trade name ) , provided that: (a) the processed food complies with Article 19 of Regulation EC
  • 834/2007 and (b) at least 95 % by weight of the ingredients of agricultural origin are organic
  • The list of ingredients shall indicate which ingredients are organic.
  • Any term referring to organic production can only refer to organic ingredients and the list of ingredients shall include an indication of the total percentage of organic ingredients
  • in relation to the total quantity of ingredients of agricultural origin.
  • The terms referring to organic production and the indication of the percentage of ingredients organic must appear in the same color, size and font than the rest indications in the list of ingredients.
  • The terms referring to organic production cannot be used for any product in which the labeling or presentation should indicate or indicate that it contains GMOs, consists of GMOs or was derived from GMOs.


Labels: India - India Organic

Mixed products where not all ingredients, including additives, are of organic origin may be labeled in the following way (raw material weight):

"certified organic"

  • Where a minimum of 95% of the ingredients are of certified organic origin,
  • Products may carry the logo of the certification programme.

"made with organic ingredients"

  • Where less than 95% but not less than 70% of the ingredients are of certified organic origin

Indication that an ingredient is organic may appear in the ingredient list

  • Where less than 70% of the ingredients are of certified organic origin,

Raw materials of a multi-ingredient product

  • shall be listed on the product label in order of their weight percentage
  • shall be apparent which raw materials are of organic certified origin and which are not
  • All additives shall be listed with their full name.

Genetic Engineering labeling

  • Organic products shall not be labeled as GE (genetic engineering) or GM (genetic modification) free .
  • Any reference to genetic engineering on product labels shall be limited to the production method.


Labels: Italy - Controllo Biologico (CCPB) / (organically tested)

For products conforming to EU Reg. 834/2007:

“Organic Product”

  • At least 95% of the ingredients of agricultural origin are organic
  • All the other ingredients of nonorganic agricultural origin, of non agricultural origin and processing aids must be listed in the standards.
  • The label must show the EU logo, the vendor’s name followed by the organic reference, the list of ingredients indicating which are organic, the certification body code, and the code of the operator under its control and an indication as to the place in which the agricultural raw materials were cultivated using the wording “EU Agriculture”, “non-EU Agriculture EU” or “EU/non-EU Agriculture” according to the product’s origin.

“Product in conversion to organic agriculture”

  • Product contains only one ingredient of agricultural origin and a conversion period of at least 12 months has been complied with.
  • The label must show the vendor’s name followed by the “conversion to organic” reference, the certification body code, and the code of the operator under its control. The name and references of the certification body may appear.

“Product with organic ingredients”

  • At least 70% of the ingredients of agricultural origin is obtained by organic production methods.
  • All the other ingredients, of agricultural origin but not organically produced, of non-agricultural origin and processing aids must be included in these standards.
  • The indications referring to organic production methods appear in the list of ingredients and only in clear relation to those ingredients.

“Products from hunting and fishing with organic ingredients”

  • Principle ingredient is from hunting or from fishing, all the other ingredients of agricultural origin are organic.
  • All the other ingredients of nonorganic agricultural origin, of non-agricultural origin and processing aids must be listed in these standards.
  • The label must show the certification body code and the code of the operator under its control. The name and references of the certification body may appear.

“Wine produced with organic grapes”

  • Grapes are grown in accordance with these standards.
  • All the other ingredients of non-agricultural origin and processing aids must be included in these standards.
  • The label must bear “wine produced from organic grapes”, along with the name of the Certification Body, and the code number of the operator subject to the inspection system. The name and references of the certification body may appear.

“Wine produced with organic grapes in conversion”

  • Grapes are grown in accordance with these standards, and a conversion period of at least 12 months has been complied with.
  • All the other ingredients of non-agricultural origin and processing aids must be included in these standards.
  • The label must bear “Wine produced from organic grapes in conversion”, along with the name of the Certification Body, and the code number of the operator subject to the inspection system. The name and references of the certification body may appear.

For products conforming to CCPB Global Programme:

“Organic Product”

  • At least 95% of the ingredients (water and salt not considered), including additives, is obtained by organic production methods
  • The label must also indicate the name of the product followed by a reference to the organic production method, the name of the Certification Body, a list of the ingredients, the ministerial authorization number, the Certification Body code number, the code number of the operator subject to the inspection system as well as the identification code number of the product.

“Product with organic ingredients”

  • At least 70% of the ingredients (water and salt not considered), including additives, is obtained by organic production methods
  • The indications referring to organic production methods appear in the list of ingredients and only in clear relation to those ingredients.

For products conforming to USDA-NOP:

“100% organic”

  • 100% of the ingredients (water and salt are not considered) by weight or volume of the total product, must come from organic farming.
  • The main side of the label: the use of the term “100% organic” the logo USDA and that of the Certification Body are optional.
  • The informative side of the label: the use of the term “100% organic”, the logo USDA, the address, web site, telephone and fax number of the Certification Body is finished product, the phrase “Organic production certified by …” or similar is mandatory, while the name of the Certification Body must be written in full. The use of acronyms to define the Certification Body is prohibited.
  • The list of ingredients: it is mandatory that the list of ingredients is in scale and next to each of these can be added the term “organic”.
  • The other parts of the label: the term “100% organic”, the logo USDA and the logo of the Certification Body are optional.
  • The use of GMO, mud ionizing radiation, sulphite, nitrate, nitrite and non-organic ingredients is not permitted.


  • At least 95% of the ingredients (water and salt are not considered) by weight or volume of the total product must come from organic farming.
  • The remaining 5% can include ingredients not originating from farms (additives and coadjuvants of transformation foreseen in the standard and ingredients coming from farms but not organic if the same organic type is not available).
  • The main side of the label: the term “organic production” reference to the percentage of the organic contents of the product, the USDA logo and the logo of the Certification Body are optional.
  • The informative side of the label: the use of the term “organic production” reference to the percentage of the contents, the logo USDA, the address, the website, telephone and fax numbers of the Certification Body are optional. It is mandatory to state the name of the company and the address of the transformer or importer of the finished product, the phrase “Organic production certified by…” or similar terms while the name of the Certification Body must be written in full. The use of only acronyms to define the Certification Body is prohibited.
  • The list of ingredients: it is mandatory to carry the list of ingredients in scale and next to each of these can be added the term “organic production” or an asterix that refers to the term “organic production” can be added.
  • The other parts of the label: the term “organic production” reference to the percentage of the organic product, the contents, the USDA logo and the logo of the Certification Body are optional.
  • The use of GMO, mud, ionizing radiation, sulphate, nitrate, nitrite and the presence at the same time of ingredients in organic form and non-organic form are not permitted.

“Made with Organic…”

  • Products that contain between 70 and 95% of the ingredients by weight or volume of the total product from organic farming.
  • The remaining 30% can include non-agricultural ingredients and ingredients of non-organic agricultural origin providing the same type in organic form is not available. The use of coadjuvants of transformation is possible providing it is authorized in conventional production.
  • The main side of the label: the term “made with organic substances” is optional when up to three ingredients, or organic food groups, reference to the percentage in contents of organic production, or the logo of the Certification Body can be listed. It is prohibited to use the logo USDA.
  • The informative side of the label: it is optional to refer to the percentage of the contents of the organic ingredients, address, web site, telephone or fax number of the Inspection Body.
  • The list of ingredients: it is mandatory to list the ingredients in scale and the term “organic production” must be states at the side of each item or an asterisk that refers to the term “organic production” can be used.
  • Other parts of the label: reference to the percentage of the organic ingredients contents and the logo of the Certification Body is optional. It is prohibited to carry the logo USDA.
  • The use of GMO, mud, ionizing radiation, and the presence of ingredients in organic, or non-organic form is not permitted.

For products conforming to COR:
“Organic Product”

  • At least 95% of the ingredients (water and salt are not considered), including additives, originate from organic agriculture
  • Use of the COR logo is optional.
  • The label must show the name of the product followed a reference to the fact that it was produced according to the organic method, the name of the certification body, the list of ingredients.

“Product with Organic Ingredients”

  • At least 70% of the ingredients (water and salt are not considered), including additives, originate from organic agriculture
  • Use of the COR logo is prohibited.
  • Information about the organic production method appears in the list of ingredients and in clear relation to only these.


Labels: Malaysia - Skim Organik Malaysia (SOM)

Label applies only to the following:

  • Farms of unprocessed plants and plant products which are intended to carry a descriptive labeling referring to organic production methods.
  • It does not cover the downstream processed products which are derived from the unprocessed plants and plant products.


Labels: New Zealand - AsureQuality Ltd


  • Must not claim or infer that a product is “100% organic”, if there are any non-organic ingredients, or if any processing aids have been used.

 “Less than 95% Organic”

  • At least 70% of the ingredients of agricultural origin, additives and processing aids in the final product; and (water and salt are not considered)
  • At least 70% of the ingredients of agricultural origin must satisfy the production requirements
  • The product or any of its ingredients has not been subjected to treatments involving the use of ionizing radiation.


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