Crop Production: Canada - COR

When producing or handling organic products sold or labeled as being products whose content is partially or wholly organic, it is forbidden to use:

  • Any synthetic pesticides (eg defoliants and desiccants, fungicides, insecticides and rodenticides), wood preservatives (eg arsenate) or other pesticides
  • Fertilizer or composted plant and animal material that contains a substance
  • Sewage sludge, in any form, as defined in this standard, as a soil amendment
  • Synthetic growth regulators
  • Synthetic allopathic veterinary drugs, including antibiotics and parasiticides
  • Synthetic processing substances, aids and ingredients, and food additives and processing aids including sulphates, nitrates and nitrites
  • Ionizing radiation and forms of irradiation on products destined for food or their inputs
  • Equipment, packaging materials and storage containers, or bins that contain a synthetic fungicide, preservative or fumigant
  • Cloned farm animals and their descendants

Crop Production: Brazil - IBD


  • Products or methods, synthetic or not (as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides , irradiation) is not allowed to use.
  • Products or methods for prevention of pests , diseases or weeds, as well as instorage of products are prohibited.
  • Thermal control of invaders and physical methods for pests, diseases and management of invaders are allowed.
  • Thermal sterilization of soils to combat pestsand diseases are restricted.


Organic fertilizer can be used in one of the following ways:

  1. manure from livestock (especially cattle manure for their special qualities), or in the form of composted manure ("bed")
  2. liquid manure or slurry , whenever possible and treated biostabilized
  3. composed of residues (including animal manure or not)
  4. compound slide, or recycled vegetable material itself on the field as green manure , mulch , etc.

The use of organic fertilizer materials purchased outside the farm (fertilizers commercial organic straw, chicken manure and pig , etc.) will be subject to the following conditions:

  1. The complementary application of organic fertilizers and natural minerals can only be used in that it is not adequate nutrition of plants or conditioning of soils
  2. The materials should be proven free of contamination by harmful wastes especially pesticides and heavy metals
  3. The amount of nitrogen led to a culture by the use of such fertilizers cannot be higher than that applied using compound manure (solid or liquid) manure or Green produced in property, some of which must always be present
  4. The application of animal manure is subject to a limit of 170 kg N / ha / year for perennial and annual crops).
  • Fertilizer -based human feces , urban waste or sewage is prohibited.
  • Manure from birds (poultry litter or manure pure) and pigs originated creationagroindustrial conventional (intensive management) located on the farm in certification orsourced from third-party areas may only be used if previouslycomposted or fermented via biofertilizer.
  • Manure from conventional creations is permitted provided it has not suffered applications of pesticides, or not composted.
  • The manure and purchased materials that are suspected of pesticide contamination should be fermented / composted and should be free pesticide residues and heavy metals
  • Use of additives in organic fertilizers is restricted to only the permitted substances
  • Use of synthetic growth regulators is prohibited.
  • Use of bacteria and fungi modified by genetic engineering or other GM products as fertilizer is prohibited.
  • Organic fertilizer (manure and debris, vegetables) and, as needed, may be used as mineral supplements (Rocks ground)
  • Mineral and synthetic means will not be allowed the use of natural minerals (rocksground, land, etc..) such as rock phosphate, limestone, basalt powder, gypsum, etc.
  • Synthetic compounds of nitrogen are excluded (as well as Chilean nitrate , urea etc) of any use.

Crop Production: Australia - NASAA


  • Certified operators shall use untreated organic seed and plant material for production of organic crops.
  • Seed and plant materials shall be propagated under organic management one generation, in the case of annuals, and for perennials, two growing periods, or 12 months, whichever is the longer, before being certified as organic seed and plant material.
  • Producers of organic seedlings shall manage the production organically and use organic parent material.
  • Operators shall use organic seed and plant material of appropriate varieties and quality.  When organic seed and plant materials are not available, conventional materials may be used provided that they have not been treated with pesticides and/or fungicides not otherwise permitted by these standards


  • Thermal sterilisation of soils to combat pests, diseases and weeds is restricted to greenhouses and growing media used in landless production.
  • Synthetic pesticides, including insecticides, fungicides, miticides and herbicides, are prohibited from use.
  • Metaldehyde in traps for slugs and snails is prohibited.

Approved pest, disease and weed management methods include:

  • quarantine and hygiene
  • use of appropriate crop varieties
  • biological control
  • crop rotations
  • mulching
  • mowing and grazing
  • companion planting
  • competitive or allopathic crops
  • heat, including steam, flame and hot water
  • soil solarisation (restricted)
  • mechanical means including cultivation


  • Material of microbial, plant or animal origin shall form the basis of the fertility program.
  • Nutrients and fertility enhancing products shall be applied in a way that protects soil, water quality and biodiversity.
  • Manures containing human faeces and urine shall not be used on land used for the production of food or animal feeds.
  • Raw animal liquid waste must be from certified organic production systems and may  only be applied to green manure crops or pastures and never be directly applied to edible crops for human consumption.  
  • Spent mushroom compost containing prohibited products is not permitted.
  • Operators must ensure that rock-based materials are sourced from supplies that are low in potential contaminants such as cadmium.
  • The use of gypsum produced as a manufacturing by-product is prohibited.
  • Wood ash from treated timbers is prohibited.  
  • Activators free from prohibited substances or genetic modification are permitted.
  • Biodynamic preparations are permitted.
  • The use of sewage sludge is prohibited on food and feed crops.  
  • The use of sludges on perennial fibre crops and agro forestry is permissible provided that there is no evidence of excessive accumulation of heavy metals (eg tree plantations) nor any risk of pollution of surface or ground water.

Crop Production: Australia - ACO


  • Seeds and propagative material shall be sourced from plants grown in accordance with the provisions of this Standard.


  • At all times GE (GMO) materials, or materials derived from GE, are prohibited in organic production.
  • Ionising radiation as a post harvest practice is prohibited.

Pests, diseases and weeds shall be proactively managed by any combination of the following:

  • Appropriate selection of genetic stock
  • Biological control agents and the protection of predator habitats
  • Rotational and livestock grazing programs, companion planting and trap cropping
  • Biodynamic measures
  • Soil solarisation – where a proper rotation cannot take place. Permission to be obtained from the CO on a case by base basis prior to practice
  • Mechanical controls such as traps, barriers, light and sound
  • Moderate mechanical cultivation
  • Mulching and slashing
  • Flame and steam weeding
  • Mineral and biological balance within the soil


The following are prohibited for use in organic systems:

  • Chilean nitrate
  • All synthetic nitrogenous fertilisers including urea
  • Over the long term should not add more than 170kg of N per Hectare per Annum in the form of both manures and fertilizers.
  • Biosolids/Sewerage sludge arising from multi-source urban areas
  • Use of slurries on operations
  • Application of liquid nutrients shall at all times take into consideration potential for on or off farm contamination and run off.
  • Untreated grey water or waste waters

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